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Everything posted by LibertyBell

  1. I guess my allergies are a result of something else then, I always find the rain and high humidity makes my allergies intolerable, so dry and rainless is perfect for me.
  2. I see highs on Friday may also be low, topping out in the 40s.
  3. Yes and it seems like even in the middle of winter we only get modified arctic shots rather than direct discharges from the north
  4. Good memories! I figured summers like 1966, 1980, 1983, 1991, 1993, etc would all have been warmer than last summer because I remember them for the amazing amount of 90 degrees days they had
  5. not coincidentally I haven't had any allergies yet this year! screw it all, I'm 100% in favor of human climate manipulation, saves millions of lives and saves people from getting allergies.
  6. yes and not coincidentally I haven't had any allergies yet this year! screw it all, I'm 100% in favor of human climate manipulation, saves millions of lives and saves people from getting allergies.
  7. how come we dont see these kinds of temperature departures here?
  8. it's already too late for it to be as hot as 2010 was, the summer pattern had already established itself by this time in 2010
  9. 1990 was awesome lol, how come 2012 isn't on this list? also noteworthy is that this area hadn't seen 80 degrees in March since 1998, which was not as awesome as 1990 was.
  10. looks like the sun is trying to come out here
  11. Early outlook- do you think we will see a lot of this during the summer with heat and dryness?
  12. Looks like the sunny blue sky weather is gone for an extended period
  13. wow and it was 28, beating all those other years by a fair amount
  14. that should also impact the gulf stream
  15. I sense a pattern here.....didn't we also just have the warmest period with no high of 50 or above during the middle of winter?
  16. wow thats interesting! which of those were ones that had snow....just 1982 and 2003?
  17. Yeah, just to be clear, which S19 are we talking about lol....snowman19?
  18. whats the record lowest humidity at NYC, LGA and JFK, Chris? I would think the lowest should be in the summer when temps are their warmest and we have a nice downsloping dry wind.
  19. How is it not in the summer when temps are warmer?
  20. Don why the big difference between Islip 16" and JFK 8" It was an all snow event wasn't it?
  21. I wonder what it was in April 2002 when we had that dry heatwave?
  22. Did JFK get to below 10% humidity also?
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