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Everything posted by psv88

  1. *tens of millions of SUVs
  2. Agreed. Senga definitely out for the year. What can you do.
  3. Feeling good about the Mets this year?
  4. Warm but wet next week, with little if any sunshine. So sick of this cloudy damp winter
  5. 57 today. Spring is here
  6. Beautiful morning. 53 and sunny
  7. What date does real winter begin in your mind?
  8. 54 today. Oddly it’s the warmest I’ve recorded on this date going back 9 years. I guess it’s usually a cold day
  9. 51 now, still patches of snow in the shade
  10. I knocked the snow off my arborvitae multiple times. Gotta do it
  11. It has been a decade since we’ve had a cold winter. Feels like ancient history. Nina, Nino, doesnt matter. The super nino in 2016 may have changed the climate for good
  12. 19 this morning. Still patches of snow in the yard. That pack was a glacier
  13. KFRG is a pretty urban site. Barely radiates so it’s not really representative of much of the island.
  14. Still some patches of snow in the yard. Snow hung around for a solid 10 days. Not bad
  15. Maybe with warmer winters the sea breeze off Jamaica keeps JFK cooler even in the winter? JFK is definitely cooler in the other 3 seasons.
  16. Nah. The heat island in the 5 Boros has pretty much remained the same since the 1960s. It’s not like there were vasts tracts of open farmland in queens that were developed since 2000…the square mileage of concrete development has probably been nearly identical for the last 50 years.
  17. Pack holding strong in my yard. 3-4” in the shade, 1-2” in the open.
  18. Glacier remains for another day. Pretty much a 4 inch block of ice on the grass. Should be gone by Saturday
  19. 15 this morning. Nearly a 30 degree diurnal range. Already back up to 31.
  20. That’s not “epic”. It’s winter.
  21. Epic weeks of winter? What? Nothing about this week has been epic. Sorry
  22. Down to 26 already with the 5” snowpack holding its own. Pretty much cement right now. my low of the year was 13.
  23. 25 now of a high of 41. Temp dropping like a rock. Still 5” of pack in the shade.
  24. It’s pretty much spring at this point when it comes to snow cover. Sun is stronger and vaporizes snow pack even on cold days.
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