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the ghost of leroy

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Everything posted by the ghost of leroy

  1. I can’t wait to get back into y’all’s sub and chop it up during the outbreak tomorrow. Hopefully there are some lolz to be had.
  2. Probably something nasty, maybe multivortex? It looks complicated...
  3. Smoke weed every day

  4. Biggest bust for the south since Hurricane Laura
  5. SW Missouri looking nice too. That storm near shell knob is a beast.
  6. Reminder: all tornadoes are tornadoes on the ground. If it isn’t, it’s not a tornado.
  7. TFW you can see the structural bolting in the photo
  8. Selma is probably producing now. Latest scans look way tighter.
  9. Looks awesome on base reflectivity but loose on velocity.
  10. I was just texting someone that the warm sector looks awesome rn. It’s weird to see little to no crapvection.
  11. hopefully we get good footage for the folks at home
  12. Same dudes who photoshop trumps head onto rambo’s body
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