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Everything posted by eyewall

  1. It is going to be an EF-2 or 3 for sure. NWS sure waiting a long time to pull the tor when a CC drop was present for multiple frames.
  2. Exactly why I feel so deflated right now when it comes to chasing. I know this was a rare chance.
  3. And of course I missed it. I wasn't out there. I don't feel any motivation to chase anymore after that.
  4. Yep it is pretty bad this go around.
  5. This morning in Raleigh
  6. Likely a low-topped mini supercell. I wonder if anyone got a shot of the base at all.
  7. There was a frame or two where something tried to get going but then it kind of degraded.
  8. It may be close to producing north of Acton now.
  9. The meso went right over Maynard and is headed to Acton, Chelmsford/Lowell next. Probably at least a solid wall cloud on that cell. Watching for a CC drop.
  10. Marginal Magic near the Durham/Chatham County line on 751 in NC:
  11. Looks like a supercell may cross Lake Champlain into Burlington, VT and Colchester.
  12. Not sure. I think there may be an issue with the gauge.
  13. Second highest crest of all time (Number 1 is 1927 which was monumental at this location)
  14. I forgot to post pics of the surprise supercell that popped just NE of Raleigh last evening.
  15. A friend of mine (Sam Cantell) sent me this pic overlooking the dam in Winooski. I have taken many flood shots from the platform across the river in this image but today it is cut off and closed. The path by the mill is flooded and some water is pouring onto the platform. If I was there I could use the new LAANC system to get approval to fly a drone over the river there but alas I am not (BTV airport is close by).
  16. I would like to go up and volunteer for any relief efforts.
  17. For reference this is not even close to Major Flood in Winooski back in 2017: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10104090826253309
  18. I took these in Winooski in 2017 (weeks before the Pi Day event during a big thaw). This isn't even close to Major Flood. I can only imagine what it will look like tomorrow: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10104090826253309
  19. This will be fun at the hydrodam in Winooski when it crests. I have been there when the river floods and the water release is an experience!
  20. If you want an experience, I recommend going to the hydrodam in Winooski when this crests.
  21. North Hills should have done better this time:
  22. I took this yesterday and you can see downtown gets it but toward North Hills not so much:
  23. Yesterday's South Boston VA supercell (I took this via drone):
  24. yesterday's chase (east of Kerr Lake NC): The 7/1 chase in southern Durham, NC looking toward Chapel Hill (the leftover smoke made it more difficult): Raleigh on 7/1 on the backside of the QLCS (roll cloud headed northeast after a likely downburst to the south): And finally a rainbow:
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