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Everything posted by brentrich

  1. Not yet, I'm going to wait to see if 15 years will go under 2% or 30 years under 2.25% then I'll get it.
  2. You are correct, the average high for Rochester is 81 degree. 5 degree above or 5 degree below is consider average so that would be 76-86 degree. Only 2 or 3 days out of 15 days is above average so that's why I said it's a bust because I do not see any heat wave coming in next 2 weeks.
  3. LOL this will be a BIG BUST! Next 2 weeks in Rochester NY, the temp will be in low to mid 80's which is average, not above average. NOAA website is a joke. They never get it right.
  4. Gonna be epic lake effect this year with above average water temp in great lakes.
  5. Watch out!! NYC will become epicenter again in few months.
  6. NY over 1k cases today, watch out NY, it's starting to rise again.
  7. another new record of cases - 75k cases and 1k death, last time we hit 1k death was in mid May. Get ready to see 2k deaths soon.
  8. Don't forgot hospitalized and deaths is going up now. About 56 hospitals in Florida are full so that's not good.
  9. I guess I gotta hang in there a little bit longer, sick of heat/humidity already.
  10. Even on weekends since it's usually slow so that's BAD BAD SIGN and disney world just reopened yesterday. Not good.
  11. 73K cases and 1700 deaths today, new record. YIKES
  12. Someone go ahead and create new forum for coronavirus, we might hit 70K cases tonight with 1K deaths. YIKES!
  13. Where i live (Henrietta, NY - in Rochester area) hit 100 degree, first time in history!
  14. Maybe lake Ontario water temperature can reach to 85 degree by August? I believe highest it was 78 degree? If that's the case, tons of lake effect snow this winter
  15. New record today 60K cases. Will we see 70K+ soon? Maybe tomorrow? I have the feeling we will see 70k cases tomorrow.
  16. With cases and deaths going up now, do you think school will be open this fall?
  17. Guys, I know we all hate heat/humidity but hang in there folks, only 56 more days till September 1st and we all can say bye bye summer.
  18. Thank god it's July, only 56 more days till September 1st. I can see light in the tunnel, fall is coming!
  19. What happened to coronavirus forum in New England, it's not there anymore?
  20. Enjoy it till it last because fall is coming soon
  21. Guys, we got this! 65 more days till September 1st. Fall is getting closer. Bye Bye HEAT!!!
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