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Everything posted by so_whats_happening

  1. What does this have to do with anything here? lol I mean you tell us to be nice to one another and post factual evidence yet you are calling people --> sheople. Come on with that if you want anyone to take you seriously post something validating your points other then obscure quotes.
  2. I was just thinking that lol to me it just seems like dirty money got into some peoples pockets to put the hush factor out there or to overblow the situation. There is no denying the Earth has been warming the biggest issues have always been how much influence humans are putting on the system and in what ways that is being done. Its nice to see the back forth but it does become very much a nuissance when same things get said over and over without data properly backing things up. I personally have no climate studying besides my basic for Met classes and a 400 level undergrad class, that is why I ask some of these questions and yes I have doubts of my own but personally am not established enough to go on a full on rant about topics like climate change. I get some honk the horn a little too much and some go way over into parking lot of a baseball stadium to get their points across. Just is frustrating if we can not just get factual information out there without people always throwing their opinions based off the data when its right in front. lol
  3. I dont get it what would be the purpose in lieing about Climate Change? Is it for funding purposes? Im not swaying one side or the other but just what would be the reason for having to change data, what would it prove?
  4. So just by taking a quick glance while from your data being presented yes it looks as though the temps are fairly close 1940's but what seems interesting is that this temperature anomaly has been steady since what looks like 2007 timeframe.
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