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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. This is where our buddy from Williamsport stays quiet all week and then goes about his business removing 6" of paste while we get our cars washed...
  2. As I said...it was pure fantasy. For most if not all of us it's gone already. I probably shouldn't have posted it, but like Nut said it's just nice to be at the point where purty maps are starting to show up on modeling again.
  3. Overnight run from our friends up north. Obviously this is mere fantasy, but at least we've reached the time of year where fantasy happens. Besides...when is the LSV ever in the bullseye?
  4. Well hello there, Eric... Next week looks quite cold...perhaps more like early December than mid-November with high temps mainly in the 40s here in Lancaster...and in the 30s in the mountains. Saturday through Monday looks mainly cold and dry, before a jet stream amplification in the Tuesday/Wednesday time frame. Obviously it's way too early for details, but given the December-like look (as I see it)...this system could bring snow to parts of northern and western PA...and perhaps even a rain-snow mix here. Again, this system is 8 or 9 days away and so it's a very uncertain forecast--the above is my pattern-based speculation and NOT an official forecast! Behind this nebulous system will come another blast of unseasonably cold air lasting into the following weekend. --Horst
  5. My wife just spent a week in Houston/Pearland. She loved it and wants to go back with me. I told her if we do it as a baseball park tour I'm in.
  6. Horst will be posting his winter forecast tomorrow, but he did leave one hint this morning - above average snowfall for the winter is likely...
  7. At least down this way, we've replaced warm, muggy wet weather with cool, refreshing wet weather. 3rd day in the row we rain. I like the reinforcing shots of cool air every few days now. Barring a late-season tropical storm we should be finished with muggies. I think.
  8. You go to the Red River rivalry? Hook 'em Horns! Very muggy here in Pittsburgh. Drove through a torrential thunderstorm on the pike near Monroeville yesterday.
  9. PA tornado count is now up to 15! (Source: SPC)
  10. I wonder which will be warmer?: (I'm going to both) Steelers-Falcons this Sunday in Pittsburgh (Current forecast high is 82) Jaguars-Texans on 10/21 in Jacksonville
  11. PA total is now up to 12... Actually, it's now 10 confirmed and 2 still under investigation.
  12. Story of the summer - it really wasn't about the heat, it was all about the humidity and extremely warm nights without hardly any radiational cooling. Hope everyone made out okay yesterday. That event wasn't modeled too well, correct? I think that the Binghamton office had put out a HWO yesterday morning but beyond that i don't recall seeing much to indicate weather of that magnitude in the CTP forecast area...
  13. Awesome stuff Don, thank you! By the way, not sure about Harrisburg, but just down the road at Lancaster it was the 2nd warmest September on record. The beat goes on...
  14. Probably the biggest weather disappointment in my lifetime with the Boxing day storm several years ago coming in 2nd.
  15. True...but remember: 1. Whiteouts are always against the marquee team of the season 2. A handful of those games were in the lean years in the wake of the scandal when PSU was clearly overmatched in every way possible. 3. Agree 100% about Franklin. Great coach until game day, lol. It irked me the way he brought up player's grades in the post game press conference. Not cool.
  16. Yeah... In retrospect after a fitful night of sleep I'd be remiss in not giving the Buckeyes some credit. Down 2 scores in that environment and coming back like that...I tip my cap to them for that. 12/30/2000 fellas...I went to bed that night to a forecast of 12"-24" of snow. Woke up excitedly at 6:00am to see the blizzard. Only problem was it was partly cloudy. One of the most cruelest disappointments personally and weather model failures in modern weather history. I remember how empty I felt that day. Isn't it amazing what weather and sports can do to one's morale?
  17. What a head-scratching, horrific call to crush my hopes and dreams tonight. How do you NOT give #9 a chance to win the game? I will see that ill-advised handoff to Sanders in my dreams for days on end. This is true in any sport...with the game on the line, you give your play maker a chance to make a play. The ball (and the game) was literally taken out of Trace's hands. I know, I know...it's easy to 2nd guess things that don't work. My biggest beef is that Ohio State snuffed Sanders ALL night. They did very little to contain McSorley. He only rushed for 175 freaking yards. Being up 12 at home and losing makes the pain doubly bad. Being up 12 at home and losing to Ohio State is killing me. Thanks for letting me vent. We now resume weather talk and what promises to be a week of way above normal temperatures yet again. Joy in abundance tonight.
  18. Wow. We've had a few winter-like events over the past several weeks that have targeted the far southern border counties. I knew you were "doing well" but I honestly didn't know you were doing THAT well. How's the course holding up?
  19. The January 96 storm is still my all-time favorite. 30" of cold powder that actually lasted for 12 days before the epic flood that wiped out the west span of the Market Street bridge...
  20. Have fun and a great time with your family...and go 'Cats! :)
  21. I wonder where the Manheim/Mount Joy area stands for their yearly rainfall total...I'd have to think they're between 60"-70". I'm sitting at 57". Even though I'm only 4 miles outside of Mt. Joy, a couple of events they doubled my total, including the 8/31 deluge.
  22. Thus far the rain has been uninspiring...it isn't even wet right now. Perhaps we get a break and it under-performs this time around?
  23. Agree with all of this. We need a big night from our special teams and we HAVE to win the turnover battle...those 2 things set all PSU's recent success into motion the last time the Buckeyes came calling to Happy Valley.
  24. The unknown variable is how well Haskins handles the atmosphere...he hasn't lined up in ANYTHING like a Beaver Stadium whiteout. It will be absolutely nuts.
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