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Everything posted by Itstrainingtime

  1. WGAL for Tuesday: Coating north of Rt. 30 to 2" at the M/D line. Hmmm.
  2. Remember the storm last month that virtually no model had much snow getting north of Harrisburg and the final result was a Rt. 6 jackpot in northern PA? You never know. Anything can happen. Models missed that by literally 150 miles right up to gametime.
  3. GFS ticked south? Doesn't look like many in here get much.
  4. Not all of the time. Sometimes it's 10 shades.
  5. I'm riding 2-4" with 2" north of the turnpike up to 4" at the M/D line. I don't see any reason to change. If we want a big dog the week of 2/20 I think we want next weekend to cut. And I think it will.
  6. Stark contrast between the Harrisburg area and just SE of there. No sleet here for the past 4 hours. Ended with a coating.
  7. I'm 14.8 miles SE of the airport and I had an incredible batch of heavy sleet earlier. And others SE of me got in on it as well.
  8. You and I are entering a lull now it looks like.
  9. Won't take long for Chickies to become a mess...
  10. I had to tell my wife and kids that bad weather was coming this evening. None of them heard anything about it. The event earlier in the week was played way up, I guess because it's the weekend this one got far less attention. Many, many people are out on the roads on Saturday evenings going out to dinner and other activities. More should have been made of this.
  11. You should be getting some significant precip at any moment based on radar - wonder if it's sleet or freezing rain?
  12. Of course, it doesn't matter what a meteorologist numerically defines it if the local road crew starts plowing at a different depth.
  13. Wow. Interesting. I remember as a kid, Elliott Abrams would be on WSBA York live in the mornings. He would talk about plowable snows and one morning the guy interviewing him asked him exactly what that meant. Elliott said that he and his Accu Weather friends generally defined it as at least 3". That's always stuck with me. I just did a quick search to see what people are saying today. The short answer is it depends on who and where. For every forecaster who says 3" there's another that says 2". I didn't come across anyone saying 1" but they didn't consult the Rouzerville road master. LOL
  14. Down to 30.6 here - whatever falls is going to wreak havoc me thinks.
  15. I must live in an archaic area. I don't think I've ever once seen a plow on my road for anything under and maybe even including 3". LOL
  16. I still contend and look forward to a snowy Tuesday. I'll be surprised if it isn't. I like 2-4", heavier amounts south.
  17. Interesting. No flurries here. My sleet lasted 47 seconds and now the sun has popped out. Radar looks...uninspiring.
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