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Everything posted by EastonSN+

  1. Yeah 09/10 was razor thin. Living in Norwalk at the time ended up with above average snowfall (42), however was just a few miles away from 10/11 type totals.
  2. Courtesy of CAPE from the MA forum. We can hope for the Holidays!
  3. The EURO has what you want as compared to the GEFS with the COD
  4. I think Snowman19 was banned for trolling Brooklynwx99.
  5. If I am not mistaken passage through 8,1,2 is preferred. Thereafter a high amplitude wave comes around the bend. Hope that leads to another 8,1,2 passage.
  6. GEFS made a great improvement as well. Moved towards the EPS.
  7. Great improvement on the GEFS over 6z. Trough now with a firm grip on east coast
  8. That's pretty cool. I have no worries about the upcoming blocking. If I had a "worry", it would be the duration of said blocking. It's less of a worry though and more of a question.
  9. I remember 2010 progression with a cutter that made the dome collapse in Minnesota. Was chilly all month. Then finally boxing day came around. Results were epic till Feb 1, then more snow with the snow to rain in Feb and the overrunning event in March that produced 4 to 6 across the area. Snow in all 4 months. Let's see how much success is realized this time (conscious that this blocking is not as strong as 2010 so results may vary).
  10. Sure we could all strike out here, however I will take my chances anytime in December with the following: 1.) AO -3 2.) NAO -1.5 3.) MJO progression through 8,1,2 4.) RNA at only -0.75 Really all we can hope for at this stage. We will see is success is ultimately realized.
  11. Found this. Yeah I see the hole around NYC.
  12. I thought NYC did good I'm 2018. At least 2 6 plus events. Maybe I am mistaken.
  13. Both EPS and GEFS have great looks for us. Hard not to be intrigued when both are showing same progression.
  14. Yeah - hope it lasts as long as March 2018, 2010/11 however as Bluewave pointed out, 10/11 was part of a historic period.
  15. What I like is the ensembles are showing exactly what you had alluded to yesterday w/r/t 2010. The PAC is cleaned up as the block moves west.
  16. Just checked GEFS. In line with the EPS for the most part with ridging in the Rockies and cold anomalies in the east. As Brooklynwx99 states in the NE forum, shows the NAO link with a ridge in the plains, then retros it to the Rockies strengthening the trough in the east.
  17. It's hard not to get excited with both Forky and Brooklyn WX 99 getting amped. Hope this block has staying power.
  18. +PNA forming at the end of the EPS run. MJO getting into phase 8 at a higher amplitude may be helping here. Gets into 1 albeit very weak. Lag effect puts timing about right.
  19. I think some are just spooked from last Decembers record RNA creating a shredder. This RNA is a.) Not as deep and b) positioned better
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