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North Balti Zen

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Everything posted by North Balti Zen

  1. There were 2! Right above our heads in a tree overlooking the river - we could hear them talking as we approached the bluff on the trail. Also, the hike today was 8.62 miles - combined with yesterday's hikes just under 19 miles. I've also hiked every day since the 23rd other than Christmas Eve - so 8 of the last 9 days - and checking the app it has me at 44.5 miles in that span. Gonna suck going back to work on Tuesday...
  2. Tough but fair. I amend to “when”. doubling up on the long hikes this weekend- about to step off on an 8-miler in and around Susquehanna state park - I will listen for the cries of anguish in the general air around 11:25…
  3. Oh no, even if it all goes to shit today it will be a long week. They’ve had a taste of digital blue - the die is cast
  4. 40 and cloudy on ncr trail in Monkton. Goose report - flock flew north, then turned west, then south, then east, then landed in a field. Game on or game over I suppose for winter weather / consult your local goose experts as need be for these portents.
  5. For all you PSU fans - this has gone viral... https://x.com/TheAthletic/status/1741194445109051460?s=20
  6. It has been a GENUINE dry spell up here for decent snow since literally January 2016. We completely missed the Jan 2022 thing - nothing above the beltway. It has been bad.
  7. 45 and cloudy for this weekend's hike around Liberty Reservoir (8.3 miles) and 45 and cloudy when I got home and chased that walk with a walk on the NCR trail with the dogs for another 2.5 miles. Just under 11 miles total for the two jaunts today - enough of a breeze both places to make it feel more seasonal than it has felt previously this week...
  8. Gonna be super bitter when all of Ji's complaining yields a redo of Jan 2022 when he got 10 inches and we smoked cirrus north of 695...
  9. Which you then turned into a declaration of winter cancel.
  10. No, no, EVERYONE went high. You are clearly reading it wrong. Ji said everyone and then cited chuck’s guess as evidence…
  11. He. Posted. That. Discussion. Off. The. WEEKLY CONTROL
  12. I bump the futility thread each winter until I don’t have to. Was hoping to not have to have had bumped it this year but…already three bumps in.
  13. It’s all we seem to get anymore. Really warm meteo winter and then unwelcome cold to mid May. With a late march tease that someone always says “where was this setup in January”…
  14. You said NO ONE expected this and a quick check of that thread shows that is bullshit. A lot of us went low. Just because you and others went high doesn’t excuse spending weeks melting down threads. Setting aside AGW talk, the idea a nino might be disappointing is not new - it has certainly happened before in pre-AGW concern years. maybe we hit a big storm and many bust low - I sure hope so. But stop acting like no one saw this coming. Many of us guessed that a nino in a warmer base state doesn’t automatically mean big snow. Again, for all your caterwauling, you at least saw a big snow in January 2022. Those of us to your north sure didn’t. Many of us on this board are going on since January 2016 without seeing a five plus inch storm. And for the most part we are not the ones melting down the long range threads. Even maestro has made positive changes. Maybe you can do the same courtesy?
  15. LITERALLY can’t find the season snowfall prediction thread apparently- check
  16. (Looks at the snow prediction thread) (clears throat) whelp - this just isn’t true at all. Not for everyone. Not even for at least a dozen of us or more.
  17. If you literally are not that self-aware, I am sad for you. But, luckily, I am positive you know what you are doing and are not nearly as funny as you think you are. Grow up. your drive-by shitty posts to start each day 100% fuck up the mood of this place, and most of the time it is cherry-picked trolling bullshit. You suck. At least you got the Jan. 2022 storm in your area, a lot of us did not, north of you, and are going on six or seven years since we've seen a four plus inch storm, but at least we don't start every GFS cycle with the worst possible snapshot in time to set the discourse. Post better.
  18. You know EXACTLY what you did and why you did it - and you predictably drew sad people to you and then take weird umbrage when they are pessimistic on a 220 hour prog. I mean, come the fuck on. It is well past time for you to grow up.
  19. You seriously troll with a 700 hour non-weekly temp map and then get mad when the mood you engender is bad? Literally, you are the hot dog costume guy meme.
  20. 50 in Monkton - bright sunshine. Sitting out on deck looking at exceptionally green lawn.
  21. It's practically shorts and suntan weather today, the talk of a mid-January warmup leads me to ....warmup to what? Actual swimming weather?
  22. He’s never content to go alone though - he’s Jim Jones handing out koolaid, that’s the real issue.
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