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Everything posted by qg_omega

  1. Its a much better pattern for the SE than Us or SNE. It’s one of those patterns where it’s sunny and relatively mild for NNE and it’s snowing in the upstate of Georgia to NC, I’ve seen it before. It’s a rare suppressed pattern that isn’t cold in December
  2. Pattern would favor NC for multiple chances
  3. Explain how you are devising temperatures off a 500mb map please
  4. Boxing Day was such an epic tucked in storm, SUNY MM5 for the win in that one
  5. Bluewave doesn’t seem on board with the December optimism
  6. I didn’t see any forecast with a 36 degree high for NYC today, very impressive
  7. Have skied wind chills of -70 with a -30 air temp it was awful
  8. Everyone knows October snow is a winter cancel
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