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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Is it just me, or do those fences(both) look like they are leaning/tilted??? Or maybe it's just the picture?
  2. Lol give him a lil bit and he'll have half a million without power....you know how it goes. I agree it'll be windy and gusty, other than that not all that memorable. Southeast Mass and the Cape/Islands different story there.
  3. Yup...most of the big stuff all night so far is west!! That’s fine with me..let NY and PA take the brunt with this one...
  4. Lol it sure did..was quite the show!! Nice talking about it with you. Hope we we can get a good stretch coming up too.
  5. Feb of 13 here eclipsed the 78 blizzard in snow amounts (33 inches in 13), but I have yet to see in my lifetime, a blizzard with such immense drifts as 1978!! The duration/intensity of the wind, and the drifting was unreal in 78!! It’s Still the most ferocious winter storm in my memory.
  6. Wasnt the New England Blizzard of 78 Feb 5 or 6th?? How could it be the same as the Ohio valley bomb? Or I misunderstood your post??
  7. Same here. Basically that whole 78 winter for me too. A couple weeks before the blizzard of 78, we had a big one too..a good 12 plus incher hit. Our am radio station that we listened to(still listen to it today tooWTIC 1080 am) which used the “travelers weather service” back then, used to name the storms(along with a local TV station WFSB 3), and the storm before the blizzard was storm Jerry, and then the blizzard was storm Larry. I’m pretty sure it was a CT thing, but it was cool when you’re a young kid.
  8. Not quite like his, no lol. But I have a pretty good memory of the big ones I lived through as a kid, and when they occurred. I got the 79 PD 1 wrong cuz it didn’t make it up here, and so I Dont remember it...and thought that the Feb 83 storm was nicknamed PD1. Glad I know now that it wasn’t. I believe Will is too young to remember the late 70’s and early 80’s snow storms...but he does his research, and speaks of them as if he lived through those... if I’m correct in thinking that Will is 40 yrs old or less???
  9. Sorry FR...I always thought the 83 storm was PD1. I was only 10 in 79...and being that it missed up in SNE, that’s why I don’t remember it.
  10. Ok then lol...I stand corrected. Thanks for chiming in. Then the 83 storm I’m thinking of was another one..which hit SNE hard..and I was always thinking that was PD 1. You learn something new everyday!!
  11. Hey, we came pretty close to jacking back in the November snow storm...so why not again with this thing??
  12. According to Juda C, it splits into 3 different lobes...so don’t worry.
  13. I actually falsified it 7 minutes before you did lol...but exactly right...it snowed last xmas.
  14. You need to calm down about this climate change stuff.....I mean really?????? This didn't happen last year...it snowed last year at Xmas, but the years before, yes, it happens, been happening since I've been a kid. It rains many times leading up to Xmas in December...been doing so since I can remember. And sometimes it hits the 60's during the rain storms in December. Please Stop with the doom and gloom...you'll be long dead and so will I, before any type of catastrophic climate change affects where you live. Holy Smokes.
  15. Chill out for crying out loud....nobody is cancelling January or winter for that matter. Winter hasn't even started yet officially....and it's First flake to last flake. Same bologny every year with some of you....
  16. Got my first cell phone in 01, and could text then, so 03 for sure.
  17. 4” for my hood..I don’t buy that at all lol. GFS will cut that in half or more by Thursday.
  18. If I remember correctly....that was the Virga Storm here??? Virga for the whole afternoon and early evening...snow couldn’t bust through here for hours...we lost a ton of precipitation to that here...thats why we ended up with like 8 or 9 inches, instead of the big amounts.
  19. Still losing in the morning though for another few days lol...
  20. Ahh you took the bait. He knows it's gone too, but wanted some input from others to see what they thought, and if there's any hope for it. Think we just have to sit tight for a while and see what the New year brings in for Jan.
  21. Ya ok, I get that too. It's tough to acommodate everybody I guess.
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