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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. We don’t want to much block...or it’s congratulations VA, NC again. Give us a -EPO/favorable pacific and a lil blocking and we can work with that.
  2. EPO going negative though...I like that.
  3. I didn't think it was serious...but when you poke the nest all the time, some may, or may take the opportunity to throw it back at ya....just saying. Yes, and some see and hear what they want to see and hear I agree. Gotta remember.....everybody is not a pro here. Anyway....let's hope we have some opportunities going forward.
  4. Nice Currier and Ives snow falling here.....we take lol.
  5. The kid has come a long way...cut em a break already. Sure he was a huge weenie, but he's trying and making improvements. And he's right...the reason any of us are here is because we are all Weenies at heart...period. And this isn't about all cold all the time, I think it's more about the fact that a few weeks ago this relaxation looked a lot more impressive than it's actually turning out to be as we come into it. I think that's where a few are coming at you because you were very adamant about Mai Tai's and warm mild days a couple weeks back...maybe that was just poking the nest, but you know how it goes.. I find it difficult to believe we wipe out the negative departures we've incurred up to this point, with the relaxation that's coming...but that's just my take.
  6. Scott you're a Pro, and I certainly respect that because I myself am not a Pro Met...and I know you know what to look for, but it sure seems to me that the EPS and the Op have been struggling more so than before...and are not quite what they used to be. That's my opinion, and we can be on opposite sides on this, but I'm just not as impressed overall with the Euro as I used to be. True story: Had the opportunity on Thanksgiving to talk personally with Guy at one of my buddies house that was a Pro MET who works on Mt. Washington, and I brought this very point up to him, and he said he feels that when they tweaked it/updated the Euro the last time, he agreed it's not as good as it used to be...he said whatever they did to it, made it worse(his words). This young guy knew his stuff, and is going for his PHD so he can teach Atmospheric science at a University.
  7. Bro you gotta stop humping the Euro constantly....I mean it just caved to the GFS. Not that the GFS is right, but I mean do you ever call a spade a spade with regard to Euro?? It isn't as good as it used to be. It may still be the best model out there...but it's been taken down a few notches. I don't know what's so hard to understand about that. Sure it still has the best skill scores and all, but it's not the Guru it once was. No Dr. Phil experiment either to realize that.
  8. Yes, I said this much in my post above..Euro is still the better model by far, but the trend of it caving more so than it used to(OP or otherwise), is the main point.
  9. Well, The GFS was showing the colder look early next week, while the Euro was not...until just now. So I guess you can say it caved to the GFS idea as of now...that wouldn't have happened at all before the upgrade...or at the very least it would be a super rare occurrence before the upgrade. I think that's the point that most are making, and I have to agree on that point. It's still a great model and does better than the GFS more often than not, but it caves to the GFS a lot more than it used too.
  10. Exactly, he needs to take that back to his forum..cuz that didn't apply totally to SNE.
  11. It just showed some nice snow up here...but I get it, it's north of you....
  12. A potential snow shower counts as a Snowy day?? Well I guess since we haven't seen many flakes in the last month....perhaps?
  13. I think what Zacks Pop is meaning is that there was quite a bit of Doom and Gloom a couple weeks back about all kinds of mildness and tropical drinks etc etc....and now the relaxation isn't quite what was being touted a couple weeks back. Sure it's going to be a mild up no doubt, but it has taken on a less severe look than what was first being thought, or what was being said. I realize some of it was trolling/busting chops to the ACATT crew, but that made it seem more severe than it looks to turn out to be at the moment. Anyway, let's hope we score something in a not so good pattern...cuz we got boned in a good pattern at least twice which sucks.
  14. Wow..two runs in a row the GFS has something for next week...still 6 days out though :-(??
  15. If Euro shows a lil something for Sunday night/monday, then this might not be just a blip run of the GFS....we'll know in a few minutes??
  16. BDL broke the record from 77-78 in 93-94; record breaking winter in interior CT that year. Then only two years later we broke that record too with 95-96.
  17. Too far out at this point...things seem to be working against us of late unfortunately, but that's how it goes sometimes. Better times coming hopefully by the holiday time period.
  18. Well ok..but man that just sucks for that area!
  19. That’s absolutely Pathetic...NWS needs to wake up over there.
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