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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. No way...DIT just said the warm cuts are all gone an hour ago...We are There!!
  2. Merry Xmas guys and Girls. Everybody have a wonderful day ya hear!!!
  3. So your Avatar now is your October 2011 picture. And the one Ginx posted is from Nemo correct?
  4. Lol i remember that picture..wasn’t that his avatar for a while???
  5. I am Northeast of you Easton in Southington ...and we had 33 inches in Feb 13(Nemo), and have done well here with many 14-18 inches over the last 10-15 years. That first Jan 2011 storm dropped 22 here and the second one was 18 plus. Amazing how small distances can make such a difference.
  6. Ya, I can be your son and so have I.
  7. That’s if your going by MET winter...Regular winter it looks to line right up with peak climo!! So not backloaded ..right on target-loaded!!
  8. Oh for sure...peeps are creeping closer to the Edge with each model run.
  9. Your first paragraph is Completely spot on.
  10. Lol...dude you might need to step away for a while, you’re in full Meltdown mode this morning! But ya his ice storm idea was always a joke...notice the twist this morning already...now it’s the NNE ice storm...which ain’t happening either lol.
  11. Well I hope you’re not going to be disappointed if Epic doesn’t show up? Those are very high expectations...which is usually a recipe for disappointment. Really Hope you’re right though..
  12. Yup..but not here it wasn’t. That biggest event you got, was a 4 incher here lol. Had it been what you got, and then the flop on the last one too was bad, then it would have been off the charts!! But it wasn’t to be here.
  13. Lol...March could have been even better if we didn’t whiff on the total Rainer Nor’east In the middle of that run. And then at the end 3/21 or 22...that one that was forecast for 18 inches and we got 2-3 inches. The parade of storms was Epic...but the results imo weren’t Epic. Turn the rainy one into all snow, and the 3 incher into 18, and then it’s Epic!! Im buckled up Ginx...just keeping it real and my expectations in check.
  14. I actually used it because I saw you use it, and thought, that is kind of a cool word lol.
  15. It may look epic...but that doesn’t necessarily mean you cash in with Epic results?? it can look Epic...and then as we close in, the little nuances that can’t be seen from afar, start to show up...and it’s those things that start to show whether the Epic look will indeed deliver, or perhaps fall short/whiff-despite the Epic look to the pattern??? Epic patterns don’t always deliver Epic results. Im happy with a decent/good look to an upcoming potential pattern...and take my chances with that. Keeping my expectations in check here lol...
  16. I’ve been thinking...perhaps we shouldn’t be looking for anything “Epic” coming down the road in the pattern?? I think that’s part of the problem for some...they’re expecting Epicosity..and when it is not totally being pictured on the modeling ...it’s throwing some for a tail spin. Imo...You usually don’t quite see Epic coming till it’s almost at the doorstep. Things are looking much better going forward, and especially after the NY..that should be good enough to calm the nerves for now.
  17. Ok. We’ll see how that plays out??
  18. How bout your very confident call of an ice storm this morning... still on that silly train??
  19. No, he’s still here. Scott and him did make up..it’s all good lol.
  20. Hey that’s only two weeks away...no reason why that scenario won’t play out just like that...lmao That is one gorgeous model run that is for sure!!
  21. Perfectly Put Scott. And there it is in a nutshell.
  22. I think we’re gonna get our chances. If we whiff on most all of them...then we all can say the winter was a (woulda coulda shoulda) total dud. Winter is 12 hours old...lots and lots of time(literally a whole Winter season to be exact) to see what does and doesn’t play out, and that’s a fact!
  23. It’s always possible Mike...anything can happen?? No guarantees. But there are some very encouraging signals setting up for the near future...let’s be an optimist and look towards that side of things huh.
  24. First flake to last Flake JB!! Patience!! There’s a reason why March is snowier than December...and that's cuz winter is only 12 hours old... dont get get caught up in this MET Winter nonsense...some of our Absolute best winters have crap Decembers...(2010-2011,2014-2015). Would you like it better if December was good, but then January and February(the heart of winter) completely sucked?? Would that be better??? Not in my opinion it wouldn’t. If things change around...this December will be forgotten about faster than A Hobo goes after a Ham sandwich!
  25. Real Icing events are rare....And I don't mean a lil bit of Freezing rain over to drizzle at the tail end of an event, but a real Ice storm. Everything has to be just perfect for a real icing event to take place. It just seems/is very rare. I'll believe it when I see it type of thing. More times than not, it changes going forward and you either end up with a more wintry scenario, or a warmer wetter scenario and not the ice event the modeling showed earlier on.
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