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Everything posted by yotaman

  1. Just saw that Carteret County NC is under Mandatory evacuation for all cities and towns in the county. This starts tomorrow morning Pamlico county is under Mandatory evacuation beginning tomorrow at 3pm.
  2. That is horrible for me. I am in the eastern eyewall. See where 35N and 77W meet. That is approximately where I live.
  3. Found this on another forum. Super closeup of the eye. http://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/ramsdis/online/loop.asp?data_folder=loop_of_the_day/goes-16/20180910000000&number_of_images_to_display=400&loop_speed_ms=25
  4. Finally broke down and bought a Inverter Generator for $385 from Amazon with delivery Wednesday. The wind from this has me worried especially since models seem to be moving this slowly northward along the coast. But we will see.
  5. Did you pull the trigger on your generator yet? I am still debating.
  6. Welcome. I don't buy the GFS. Not because it stalls it out but because it stalls it out and actually strengthens it to a cat 5 while sitting there. No way can those waters maintain that strong of a storm with all the upwelling and land interaction that would happen with a big and strong storm.
  7. I went to Lowes to see what generators they had and all they had was 1 type at $750 so I left. I don't need nor want a 200lb generator. The store was packed and I have heard that our local Walmarts were selling water like there was no tomorrow. People are actually scared of this one and several people on my street are already planning on leaving. I am staying put, hard to find a hotel that will allow 3 dogs with 2 of them being large.
  8. That is just unreal. 35.3" for me and almost 50" for Hatteras!! That model also has it hanging around as a cat 4 for 3 to 4 days. Very unlikely.
  9. I just can't even imagine what 20"+ rain and gale to hurricane force winds would do to the trees and power lines in our area if that were to happen!!
  10. We are in the same boat. Have had only .10" since Aug 24. Hope to get some rain the next few days. Currently 86/77.
  11. I as going to do the same but since you are I guess I no longer need it. Thanks.
  12. Wait till next week, it'll pick up big time if she comes close to us.
  13. Both sides of the family tried to convince her that but she likes living far away from everyone for some odd reason. All relatives are here in NC.
  14. My stepdaughter just moved up to Watertown NY cause she hates heat and humidity so much and now she is complaining that it is too hot and humid up there. It's been in the mid to upper 80's there recently. They have no A/C.
  15. Another dry, hot, and humid September day here. Currently 90/77.
  16. 70 degree dew points would be nice at this point.
  17. Another dry, hot, and humid day. Currently 91/78.
  18. Had some storms blow up nearby but nothing IMBY. Hot and humid day to start the month off. We need some rain.
  19. We have a storm close by with some thunder but no rain so far. Currently 88/79. Monthly stats are: Highest temp: 97 Lowest temp: 67 Highest dew point: 82 Lowest dew point: 62 Rainfall: 6.43 May have to update if this storm comes our way.
  20. Looks like a 2 week stretch of hot, humid, boring weather. Cannot wait for fall.
  21. 67 for a low here. Too close to the water. Currently 81/69.
  22. .42" late last night. Feels so much better out there today. Bright blue skies and not a cloud around. Currently 82/67.
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