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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Be careful Forky, the Snow Queen may arrange visitations on Christmas Eve. As always .....
  2. In NYC, ours sometime come pre-salted. As always ....
  3. Anthony, so true. He is an excellent Meteorologist and I read/listen to his thoughts, when given, very carefully. He has fun with us. By doing so he gives us the joy of the light hearted joust. There are many I would love to meet on this forum and he certainly is one. Over the many decades that I’ve been hanging around I’ve come to the conclusion that if someone is deliberately trying to get a rise out of you, in many cases, they are just trying to get you to think further. Stay well and safe, youngster. As always ....
  4. Anthony has never been the same since he found out that it was Forky who locked Frosty in the greenhouse. As always .....
  5. I believe he lives in both places, perhaps as a reverse snowbird. He’s in his beautiful mountain side home home expecting 2 “ liquid equivalent, all frozen. Check the NE forum he posts well and frequently. As always ....
  6. Forky if you ever get frisked by MJ, I bet he’ll find Frosty’s Hat. As always ....
  7. Currier And Ives will always be alive their. Phineas from the M A forum acquired a beautiful mountainside place with a view of the white or presidential Mts. Unless Liberty Bells mad scientist is successful, I’m afraid 3 digit cold season snow totals will be a fleeting memory for them as two digit totals will be for us. As always ...
  8. I enjoyed my high school cross over years late 50’s to 60’s. As always ....
  9. I remember during a Mash holiday show Hawkeye Pierce talking about a white Christmas in his home town of Crabapple Cove Maine. He said we have a white Christmas from Halloween on...... As always ...
  10. JB’s already working on it. If success comes Forky will not be a happy Met. As always .....
  11. The one with longer lasting power than the SE Ridge. As always ....
  12. In that case, W W you better send your avatar. As always ....
  13. Jimmy Cagney, Pecks Bad Boy also comes to mind. As always ...
  14. You could do great “stand up” in WW007/Reapers panic room. As always ....
  15. Thank you, DW, I passed this on to a frequent bridge crosser and he said it sounded like Godzilla was about to show. I replied that he did, read the price of the toll next to the name of our beloved Mayor, turned east and swam like hell. As always ....
  16. Brian/Anthony for a person who loves our winged wonders there can never be a good eating bird. As always ......
  17. Perhaps for too many of us it would have been I “the pot calling the kettle” realm. As always ....
  18. It gives new meaning to the selling term “Waterfront Property” and the desire for ownership. As always ....
  19. Sad, BW. A century from now the Smithsonian will likely have a special section for sleds. As always ....
  20. With a good still you never have to put your trust in advanced forecasts. As always.....
  21. At least the panic room has a greater certainty than the next pattern change. As always ....
  22. Don magnificent photos. The lady Cardinal is picture postcard quality. As always .....
  23. Perhaps, S19, it’s the urge to spend the hard earned almighty dollar on palmists, Ouija boards, tarot cards and long range weather/climate models. As always ....
  24. Sobering BW ..... old August becomes new September, old September becomes new October, old October becomes new November. A simple progression, yet its answer still eludes us. As always ....
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