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Everything posted by mappy

  1. I am very sorry that you are interpreting me advising you to stop with the very early definitive statements on a current landfall hurricane, as bullying. There is no need to bring political talk into this either. However, numerous green taggers have been in this thread over the last day, to ask people who are calling this storm a bust, to please stop it. I am following suit, as a storm mode mod, who was asked to help by the website administrator. so i would greatly appreciate that you take my advice and back down from your argument.
  2. enough. if you have a problem with how things were handled, take it elsewhere. the storm is still on going, and looks to continue for days with devastating rainfall and surge. it is way too early to make any definitive statements on how local governments handled things, etc etc.
  3. looks to be? the storm is still ongoing. Wilmington had a record 105 gust at their airport. you have no idea what is or isn't damaged. please stop.
  4. their map last night had a fill for the flooding. that current 10 ft contour is hard to interpret. is that actual elevation, or water level?
  5. beautiful shot this AM - the cloud field is quite large
  6. the news up here has been harping on it quite a bit. coastal flood watches out for tonight into the weekend. Ocean City mayor was on the radio this morning talking about their efforts to help against erosion should there be any surge issues, etc. Our governor declared a state of emergency earlier this week.
  7. if anyone has issues with posts, please report them. as H2O said, we can't always be around to clean up threads. A report will be seen by all green and black taggers (sorry, us lowly storm mode mods are not privy to reports).
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