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Everything posted by Stormlover74

  1. I'm like 4 miles from there. Guess we know where the R/S line is
  2. Are you in Scotch Plains? I'm in Plainfield and it's just rain
  3. After this event many will have cashed in both to our South and North and we've had plenty to track. Our truly awful winters have seen an overall lack of storms and it was clear mid way through that it would be an early spring. Right now we don't see signs of that at least for the next few weeks so if we don't cash in it will be due to just really bad luck
  4. Euro has a nice storm next monday. A little warm but would be rain to heavy snow
  5. Yes that was during the winter of 90-91 12-27-28 7.5" but melted in 2 days 1-11 6" changed to sleet and then heavy rain
  6. It's rjays fault for putting the wrong dates on the storm thread
  7. We had the late December storm in a very warm pattern that dumped 6-8". There was a noreaster in January with a good dump of snow before sleet and rain. Interior locations may have gotten up to a foot. There also a surprise storm in late Feb that gave parts of the city on east 6"+
  8. It's safe to say South of 80 doesn't need to worry about ice damage
  9. They can't bail now. They'll start backtracking late this afternoon or tonight
  10. Looks like some places will surge into the 50s and be down into the teens 8 hours later
  11. If we get no snow the public will deem this another bust by forecasters due to the constant hype all week by the media. Eventually we'll get hit but people won't believe its coming for real
  12. I didn't know this happened during the 83 blizzard: February 11, 1983: Bulk carrier Marine Electric sinks in a savage winter storm, killing 31 of its 34 crew members. In their search for answers, investigators discover that dozens of other carriers are also at risk. Watch Disasters at Sea: Deadly Neglect, premiering Sunday at 9PM. http://bit.ly/2C5FMxW
  13. I know. At least down here we expected mixing all along
  14. You think we're jumping read the new England thread
  15. Because it snowed in november when it wasnt supposed to so of course this was going to be a repeat of that.
  16. March 2005 occurred while we were going from rain to snow so there was a good amount of slush that immediately froze. I think it continued snowing for a while into the evening as well. If it rains but doesn't warm up I think we'll have a lot melted snow and sleet that could refreeze quickly
  17. Ends up in the identical location but slightly colder
  18. Gfs is south through 0z sunday, not really colder though
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