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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Sprinkles when I left Thurmont in Northen MD. Turned to flurries on the top of route 77 in the Catoctins then back to sprinkles on the other side in Smithsburg
  2. I couldn't care less if it melts in 3 days. After a couple days it starts getting pretty gross anyways. I'm not big into wall to wall snow cover though. I like to see it fall and pile up. Go sledding with my Kiddos. If I can do that I'm good.
  3. I was kind of saying it jokingly but I'd certainly take 40" again over 36 hours lol.
  4. There's a yellow speck over DC proper.
  5. Too bad the Commanders can't find a coach like Shannahan or a beast of a Left Tackle like Trent Williams. Oh wait.....
  6. Especially in late December Early January. We don't need big departures at that point.
  7. Your 100% correct. Werenr the seasonal models from a few months ago showing a milder December, a good looking January and a Rocking February. Seems like we are right on track for what the seasonals we're showing back over the summer and Early fall.
  8. Thanks for being the voice of reason.
  9. It's going to be a long winter lol. Some won't make it.
  10. I have my doubts this is a top tier winter. I'm optimistic it can be an above average winter though for the area. We're looking at Kirk Cousins not Patrick Maholmes lol.
  11. I think that implies a sub tropical jet. If you follow the height lines it looks like a trough in the east.
  12. Do temps go below average?
  13. Already lowered my totals in the snowfall contest once. Maybe I should Again lol Feels like we're probably getting through much of December without snow. Or maybe I'm just jaded after the last few years lol.
  14. I'm glad I lowered my snow totals in the contest at the last minute lol.
  15. Really like seeing the colder anomalies south of us
  16. BWI: - 15.5" DCA : - 10.5" IAD: - 17.5" RIC: - 7.5" Tie breaker SBY: - 6.5"
  17. I hope we're the Eagles and not the Commanders.
  18. 29 here in Smithsburg. Took the dog for a 20 minute walk. Frigid outside with the wind
  19. Definitely looks interesting. If we have a shot at something it would be in that next Tuesday- Friday time frame.
  20. We're the Bryan Barker of punting here in the mid Atlantic. Anyone remember his broken nose? I was going to post a pic but it's pretty gruesome.
  21. I think there's a disconnect in regards to people's expectations on what the ground truth should look like compared to 500mb maps. The first week of December cold is going to be scoured out with the - pna and flooding of the conus of Pacific air mass. As the Nao establishes itself and eventually we get help from the pacific side ( hopefully) cold will return but it won't happen overnight even though the reds and blues are where we want them. @CAPE @WxUSAF @Weather Will have all been alluding to this this morning. It does appear that we could be heading into a more favorable period around mid month which is better timing then having it right now in my opinion. Patience is needed the next few weeks. I know that's tough after the last several years. Better times ahead.
  22. We're rounding into mid season form before winter even starts I see.
  23. It's like a slow motion train wreck you can't look away from.
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