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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Psu might be up to 6" on the season by next Tuesday lol
  2. Exactly. West tracks and other variables will skew the mean. Big picture is all I'm concerned with from a mean 15 days out
  3. I agree. We don't want a raging +++ Nao but if it's slightly positive we can work with it especially as we get deeper into winter. But I'm not necessarily big dog hunting either. If we want a HECS then sure. We need a - Nao and AO. I just want some damn snow lol. Enough so that my kids can go sledding.
  4. Not going to post maps lol but the OP gfs shows potential around the same time the Esembles are honking. It might get interesting after Christmas.
  5. If we can't get snow with that look it's time to find a new hobby
  6. It's a freaking monster of a miller A. Can you imagine a 1040 MB high pressure sitting to our NW with temps in the low 20s with that storm attacking from the south lol
  7. Pretty rare to have a storm that strong in Goergia/South Carolina. Sub 985 at the Latitude is impressive.
  8. It'd be a long shot. Especially with no blocking.
  9. The icon did take my snow away at 18z
  10. If we somehow get snowed on again next week we may have something cooking this winter. Pretty rough pattern overall so maybe we have some WDI going on.
  11. Got my kids Into skiing last year. They loved it. Went to liberty a couple times. Thinking about planning a weekend trip to wisp in January. Skiing was pretty rough at liberty last year. Hope they have a better season thus year
  12. Better Need to work on getting rid of the +nao
  13. Snow cover still remains in the Catoctins Pretty impressive.
  14. The discussion today in the long range thread will seem silly when we are shoveling out from our second HECS of the season while watching the Superbowl.
  15. Can we make a rule that surface maps past 240 hours from an operational only be posted in the panic room or digital snow thread lol.
  16. I'm just hoping the can kicking stops. I think we get into a good pattern in January but it is getting can kicked a bit. A week ago we were looking at the week Betwen Christmas and New Years. Now it's spilling into the first of the year And it will take a week or 2 to get temps right once we get a better pattern. We can certainly luck into something but it makes it tougher .
  17. I'm estimating maybe an inch in Smithsburg. Could of been more prior to compacting /melting. Places with a couple hundred more feet in elevation like Sabillisville had 3 to 4 inches. On my drive over the Catoctins this morning there were several inches on top of the mtn but nada when I got to Thurmont.
  18. On my way to work over 77 there was several inches on top of the mtn.
  19. I'd say I had the same right down the road from you. About an inch.
  20. I'm at about 750 so I shouldn't be too far behind you
  21. Was at a family Christmas party in Woodbine. 55 when we left there at 530. 50 while coming through Frederick. 45 now at home in Smithsburg. Calm winds when we left Woodbine. Gusty winds now at home.
  22. Pattern change looking unlikely till after the first of the year. Doesn't mean we can't luck into something but it's going to be uphill sledding.
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