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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. Nam with a decent shift south. Edit: ninj'ed by nj2va
  2. Im expecting an inch or so of snow/sleet Saturday afternoon followed by some ZR and changing to plain rain after midnight. Was hoping for more of an impactful event in the northern tier but looks unlikely now. I'm becoming skeptical I see any snow at all being on the southern edge, but any snow is good snow. Ready to get the pattern change in full swing and start tracking our KU lol.
  3. .75 in Smithsburg MD. hopefully we will get round 2 a little later.
  4. Lol. Were toast. I was hoping having the euro/ukie on our side would yield better results but not looking that way.
  5. I still think a few inches are on the table for us though.
  6. Lol. For being north that still looks good for the northern crew.
  7. That's a big hit along the m/d line. Alot different than the nam.
  8. Probably too little to late but GFS made a nice improvement. Shifted south 40 to 50 miles
  9. Icon with the step back also. Actually looks in line with the Euro. EDIT: Icon still has a pretty good ice storm in the northern tier. Especially along 81.
  10. I agree for northern md. Models tend to hold onto 850's too long and also scour out CAD to fast. Good recipe for a prolonged freezing rain event. some of the models are giving quite the thump of snow along the m/d line, but I'm skeptical of that. I'm think an inch or so at best. Hope I'm wrong
  11. Do you have access to the 18z Euro? Hearing it's not quite as good as the 12z for the northern crew?
  12. Icon is a big thump and then a major ice storm for NW of dc. Icon didn't show sleet or freezing rain for whatever reason.
  13. I think he just meant delivering bad news. ( Yoda gets picked on for delivering bad news.)
  14. Looks like a fairly snowy evening across the area tomorrow.
  15. Atleast a 100 miles. At 96 HR low is in south central va. Compared to on top of us yesterday at 12z. That's a real nice bump south.
  16. I didn't see a map posted for last night. I assume it's a big step back from yesterday's 12z run?
  17. Always appreciate your insight. Even if it's bad news lol
  18. The low is much weaker and that helps the mid levels from getting torched. Not sure I believe a 1009mb low. That's probably our only path to a front end thump. The antecedent conditions leading in is pretty cold.
  19. A weaker low would be great It would still be a moisture bomb. I guess with less phasing a weaker low is possible. Above 1000mb would be nice.
  20. There's some workable low tracks there from southern va. South.
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