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Everything posted by Chris78

  1. The long range looks super active. Man I hope we can be on the winning side a few times over the next 2 to 3 weeks. Looks like we should have several chances with a gradient type pattern look and an active SS.
  2. Sweet. Your probably looking at 6 to 10 out there. Nice!
  3. I agree. I'm optimistic about this one. Cold ground and good ratios should go a long way.
  4. GFS took a step back for Friday. Basically T - 1" for the area.
  5. 2.25" in Smithsburg. Back edge is moving through. Just some light snow/ flurries currently.
  6. 18z Icon juiced up more bit it takes it mostly through pa.
  7. Fv3 has between .1-.2 of qpf. For Friday. Wouldn't take much more to get a region wide 2 to 4 " event across the area. Ratios should be decent and with cold ground conditions every flake should stick. EDIT- It has the western MD mountains around .5 in qpf. That's a good sign in imho.
  8. I definitely think this could juice up a bit following seasonal trends. If we can get to .25 qpf it would be a decent event.
  9. Mid teens Friday afternoon while snow is falling. Doesn't get much better than that.
  10. GFS surface looks about the same as 18z but h5 looks improved. 00z has more energy over top of us.
  11. I'm expecting a t-1" here in Hagerstown. 2 days of east trends has been a buzz kill for us.
  12. I would be gitty for 1 to 3 tomorrow and another 1 to 3 on Friday. At this point im in salvage what I can mode lol. I think for the northern crew it feels worse than what the actual seasonal snow total says because of getting the November snow. I got 7.5 inches on November 15. After that I've gotten 7 inches over the past 10 weeks lol. Trust me I'm not complaining. Further north and East it's been really Brutal. This is better than last year. It is what it is and weather will do want it wants to do. I do think its more doom and gloom this year because expectations were much higher heading into winter. We might go on a heater in February, or we might lay a flaming terd..lol seems like one of those years that everything never lines up quite right and were reduced to picking up scraps where we can.
  13. I could see Friday out performing tomorrow but that's not saying much. Lol
  14. I'm looking for any glimmer of hope ... Lol I think Friday could be sneaky though.
  15. GEFS on board for a light event on Friday. The 12z run is the best it's looked.
  16. That's a bummer. Looks like western areas are going to get skunked.
  17. Friday is starting to game some traction. Heights have more rise over the east allowing a bit more juice for the overrunning.
  18. Friday looks interesting. GFS tried for some overrunnning snows but kind of washes out as it gets here. Seasonal trends has been to juice up as we close in so maybe we could trend positive for once.
  19. I hope it's right about next weekend. It's been showing some sort of a southern wave off and on for the past few days.
  20. imho I don't believe the icon adds much. If it wouldn't be On TT it would never be mentioned or thought of. It's wrong more than right it seems. For last Saturday it was still giving the m/d line 6" 24 hours prior to the storm. I have just about as much faith in that model than the nam at 84h.
  21. You can't make this stuff up. Sometimes It feels like we have an anti snow dome over us 98% of the time in winter.
  22. Do you know how the 18z and 6z Euro runs are scoring compared to the traditional runs?
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