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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. Good point. It also blurs the sight of the rapidly melting snow which is just about history this morning.
  2. 5.3 inches in Highland Mills in eastern Orange County. 33.9 on the season now. Close to average for this point in the season but the temperatures since mid January are insane. With what’s upcoming this has a chance to be the warmest Febraury on record breaking last years record. I’m hating the new norm of above normal temperatures but the penchant to just want to snow no matter what the pattern now is nice.
  3. If it happens this way we deserve it, even though it will be a memory by Wednesday.
  4. Not if your wifes a teacher it isn't. She's been a happy woman the last week and a half.
  5. Never got above 38 here yesterday and it's 34.7 and of course raining again, talk about frustrating. As of this morning we still have snow cover, which speaks more to the resilience of encasing snow in a 1/4 inch of ice than the two minor events from Feb 2nd and 7th that dropped 3.8 inches of snow, but this will be officially the last day. 40 days of snow cover so far this winter, 28.6 inches of snow and overall temperatures from December 1 to this point slightly BN means I can't complain to much yet. But when I look at the 15 day I have a lot of complaining to do, but I won't today at least.
  6. Of course every single local news station on TV and radio make sure they always call it the Mario Cuomo Bridge and never refer to it as the TZ bridge anymore. smh
  7. I would like to thank everyone on this thread for referencing the place of the accident this morning as the TZ Bridge, which is what it will always be called by 90% of the people in this area despite the stupid politicians forcing a name change down our throats, as if they paid for the bridge out of their own personal accounts. With that said I hope I'm on the banter thread because I realize that had nothing to do with weather. 24.4 with sleet now. There I covered myself.
  8. I was up and felt it but didn't realize what it was at the time. Is it confirmed it was an earthquake, and if so what magnitude?
  9. You would think they would do a little research before doing a piece like that, but then again,,,,,,
  10. Below is The Weather Channnel demonstration they were airing on December 27, 2017. If you watch they clearly state these are the guidelines as per the NWS, and they also clearly state the snowboard should be wiped every 6 hours. Are they correct? I don't know. Do I trust NOAA who couldn't even calculate the correct 30 year snowfall averages from 1981-2010 in NYC until someone with a spreadsheet and a simple understanding of addition and division pointed out to them they had it wrong? It took 6 e-mails but they finally relented and changed from 25.1 to 25.8 in March 2014. BTW it's still wrong, it should be 25.9, January is 7.1 but they calculated 7.0. At least their close. My point iis who is right? The incompetent weather channel or the incompetent NOAA? I've seen them both mess up the easy stuff. https://weather.com/storms/winter/video/how-to-correctly-measure-snowfall
  11. Well like I said when I started the discussion, the wiping the board every 6 hours was as per a demonstration I happened to see on TWC about 2-4 weeks ago on how to measure snow. They did have one of their higher up meteorologists doing the demo so I figured were back to that. Whether TWC has it right, no idea. It always made more sense to me, especially if you're going to compare historical storms, because wiping every 6 hours was I believe the method used through most of recorded history. I could be wrong and if so someone let me know.
  12. The rules seem to change every other year but I believe its back to clear the board every 6 hours (at least that's what the weather channel stated a couple of weeks ago) and add the totals at storms conclusion. Barring that, go with maximum depth that fell at some point during the event. I'd go with the 2 inches. No problem here with measuring yesterday light snow fell for a couple of hours but no accumulation. Still snow cover in most areas leftover from Friday.
  13. 4.3 inch final tally. A little disappointed but this storm has a great after look to it.
  14. 2.3 inches, pretty underwhelming. Eastern orange county in the screw zone so far.
  15. Finally some half way decent snow beginning in eastern orange county with the total just surpassing 0.5 inches. And it only took 12 hours to travel 20 miles east. Amazing.
  16. 21° light snow, intensity decreasing. A quick 0.3 inches brings the seasonal over 20 inches.
  17. Just wondering if anyone received any measurable snow yesterday. I wasn't home but did measure 0.3 inches when I got home last night. It all counts.
  18. Didn't make double digits below zero here, -6 was the best we could do. Not even that close to my lows from 2 and 3 winters ago.
  19. I wonder some times about their readings. The highs often seem overdone. BTW down to 5.0 off a high of 8.1. Finally I think we get well below zero tonight. Conditions seem ripe. After going outside now I'll amend that. Windier still than I thought. We need those winds to calm so we can get ideal conditions.
  20. I'm 25 miles south and my high for the day peaked at 8.1 already started to drop. How high did poughkeepsie get?
  21. Bottomed at 0 this morning. Another underwhelming low in this nice stretch of cold. Still waiting for that double digit below zero in this stretch, which we've achieved a couple of times in the last three winters but the morning lows in the last two weeks have not impressed me at all. However the duration of the cold and the low high temps has been pretty impressive. Maybe tonight we make a run at -10. Conditions in the areas outside the UHI should be ideal tonight.
  22. 7.5 inches final tally. I noticed there are trained spotters in Monroe 7.5 and Highland Mills 7.4 reporting almost the same. Considering expectations for me were 2-4 and anything else would be a bonus, a great storm.
  23. At 4.0 inches here and snowing like crazy. I've been on the edge 5 miles west and north of the 30dbz band of the last hour and a half.
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