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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. 0.4 inches last night. Still on the cars, trees,grass and bushes. Snow in mid April doesn't surprise me I've seen it numerous times around here, but the number of days with frozen precip this April as many have said, that's the unusual part of all of this. Anyway, now 0.5 inches short of seven feet. The way things are going I can't rule it out.
  2. My condolences. May you be granted peace and strength during this difficult time.
  3. The average high temp doesn’t even reach 70 in NYC until May 11. It amazes me each year that people begin the I want 70’s chant earlier and earlier. A few days here and there yes but consistently around here not until mid to late May.
  4. Great stats. I have this April as number 9 in NYC though, not 8. You might want to double check that, one of us is wrong on that one. Top 10 Snowiest Aprils NYC 1....1875....13.5 2....1915....10.2 3....1982......9.6 4....1924......8.5 5.....1917.....6.5 6.....1944.....6.5 7.....1938.....6.4 8.....1907.....5.8 9....2018....5.5 10....1887....5.0
  5. 5.8 inches in Highland Mills brings seasonal to 83.1 and 50 inches since March 2nd. I've seen over 80 inches several times here and over 100 inches 3 times, but 50 inches after March 1? not in my limited records.
  6. Amy Freeze said the city would get 1-3 inch total snowfall at her 8:20 am update this morning. Central Park reported 4.8 inches at 8am this morning. Sometimes they are so clueless you just shake your head.
  7. 5.2 inches all since 8:30 last night and coming down heavy still, over 14 OTG. 42.2 now for the month. This is now the second year in a row that March is far and away my snowiest month of the season. 2017/18 March 42.2 January 12.7 2016/17 March 25.7 February 17.9 Also in NYC this is now the 3rd time in the last 4 years that March will be the snowiest month of the winter.
  8. 28 degrees and moderate/heavy snow still falling. 3.4 inches in the last 4 hours. 3.4 inches for the day. That was a long wait. Weird storm. 40.4 for the month. Anyone get an update from KNYC since the 6.7 at 8:00 PM?
  9. If I somehow I pull 5-6 out of this it may be the most memorable comeback I've experienced. I stopped looking at 7 PM iI figured why torture myself. What a frustrating day at least until now.
  10. 2.8 inches and moderate/heavy snow Considering I was at 0.0 at 8:30 I'm ecstatic An even foot on the ground. I'm now at 40 this month.
  11. This may be one of those, and it probably will be in some places, where you're looking at the radar you're seeing 25 dbz bands over your house and you look out the window and it's barely flurrying. We've all been in them before and there is nothing more frustrating, and this will most likely be that for someone in the Hudson Valley.
  12. Move the Orange diamond 10 miles south and it's the March 7 precip map.
  13. I haven't kept consistent enough records other then the last 7 years so it's hard to say. At 37.0 inches it's easily the top spot the last seven years. Last year was 25.7 in March 20.8 of it on March 14th. 2016 was 0.5 (what a nightmare that winter was). 2015 was 14.7 (the winter of the endless days of snow pack) 2014 was 0.0 after 41.7 inches in February 2013 was 23.8 2012 was 0.0 (another nightmare winter, 16 inches in October and 13 the rest of the winter) This year definitely breaks the good March bad March pattern of the last 7 years.
  14. 4 feet is a great month for any month, for only 11 days in March that's bordering on historic. Next Tuesday could make it historic.
  15. Closing in on 4 inches here and 70 for the season. HV doing well this year even when it's not our storm.
  16. 23.5 inch total in Highland Mills. pretty decent area of two feet in the southeast section of the county.
  17. 23.2 inches so far, may actually make 2 feet, beat last March 14ths 21.0 inch storm. God I love a -NAO
  18. At 19 inches here and lights starting to flicker, still heavy snow. I don't cry Uncle ever in a snow storm but if it means keeping power, Uncle.
  19. Not loving this south and east trend overnight. Starting to cut into the HV totals a bit. Hopefully it ends now.
  20. I'm heavy snow the last hour and I'm south and east of a lot of you at elevation 600 feet. Weird storm so far, hard to believe up by Middletown has mixing issues now, just goes to show expect anything. Haven't measured yet but grass is completely covered. At least 2-2.5 inches.
  21. So basically we got the Snowicane ten days after the peak negative values. That will be interesting to watch.
  22. My second favorite storm ever. 35 inches IMBY in Highland Mills and Boston got all rain. It doesn't get any better than that.
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