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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. In time this shall pass. I know your dealing with a lot more serious than a broken foot, but I broke mine four years ago and was going insane not being able to do much of anything including driving for three weeks. It's just gonna make you appreciate it more when your back to full power. It's coming just listen to the Docs.
  2. Thanks Uncle!!!! Wow, so 5 of the last 6 winters NYC has gone to 5° or below, 4 of the last 6, 4° or below Before that 8 straight years of not reaching 5°. I thought they were in a good stretch, well depending on how one views this stretch.
  3. Looks like Central Park got down to 4° I bottomed at -1.2°, currently 0.9°
  4. I remember it got to -1° in Central Park that day, but I don't remember what were they showing 48 hours before?
  5. Hey Uncle, Can you post a list sometime today of the low temperature in Central Park each season. It seems to me that with this mornings low of 4 NYC has had a pretty good run of years that have seen a minimum of 5° or lower as opposed to the 1990's when other than 93/94 and 95/96 I hardly remember any.
  6. Bottomed out at -1.2° Current temperature -0.6° Nice to have everything snow covered, it actually looks and feels like winter. Amazing it took this long to best November 23rd's 4.8° for the seasons low so far.
  7. 7.7 degrees. It's amazing that on January 20th my low of 4.8 on November 23rd is still, for at least a few hours, my low for the season. It just shows how cold that air mass was. If the heat Island can't beat the 15 from November 23rd something is seriously wrong, but I wouldn't rule out it not happening either.
  8. 12.7 Having the entire landscape encased in ice may help the next couple of nights. Especially tomorrow night with the winds dying down and if it stays clear the whole night, the sub zero readings to the N&W of NYC should be substantial.
  9. 18.0 here. This 4.5 inches of concrete white that now encompasses most of Orange County isn't going anywhere for a long time. With a liquid equivalent of at least1.5 inches encased in this snow and sub zero cold tonight and tomorrow night, even the 40 degree temps and rain forecast Wednesday will barely make a dent. This is much different than 4.5 inches of fluffy white with a LE of a 1/4 inch, much harder to melt this stuff and it's already compressed so that's not even an issue.
  10. Correct. 31.1 inches needed by December 31, 2020 for the next 30 year average in Central Park to be 30.0 inches. The average would now be 29.0 inches if no more snow fell for the next two years (never happened and hopefully never will). The current monthly averages for NYC for Jan 1991-Jan 2019 October......0.1 November....0.5 December....5.0 January.......8.9 February....10.8 March.........4.9 April...........0.4 Seasonal Avg..30.7
  11. Yesterdays 0.2 inches in Central Park leaves the city 31.1 inches short of reaching a 30 year average at the end of December 2020. At this rate and with this pattern that's not a lock. Who knows what next winter brings, it could be a 96/97, 97/98. I shudder when I think of those.
  12. Actually, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo are ranked one , two and three for the highest average snowfall in the country for cities with over 100,000 people.
  13. I can only report what I see. Holding steady at 28.9, steady as in for the last ten minutes.
  14. Trees ice covered, snowblower broke and I'm not shoveling this. Anyone know any plow guys in Highland Mills/Central Valley area?
  15. 4.5 inches of iceberg here. 28.9 with precip just ended. Trees ice covered, snowblower broke and I'm not shoveling this. Anyone know any plow guys in Highland Mills/Central Valley area?
  16. Final snow tally 5.0 inches. Changed to freezing rain and sleet about 1AM which has now compacted to 4.5 inches of snow,ice that I can walk on top of. 30.0 degrees after most of the night in the low to mid 20's. Not as much ice on the trees as you would think, I believe most must have fallen as sleet or ice pellets. Pretty much what I expected except I still have power, for now.
  17. Final snow tally 5.0 inches. Changed to freezing rain and sleet about 1AM which has now compacted to 4.5 inches of snow,ice that I can walk on top of. 30.0 degrees after most of the night in the low to mid 20's. Not as much ice on the trees as you would think, I believe most must have fallen as sleet or ice pellets. Pretty much what I expected except I still have power, for now.
  18. At my low for the evening of 21.2 and sleet now mixing with the snow. No you can't make it up. 4.0 inches so far and it will probably take a miracle now to make 5.
  19. I was 30 when the snow started and bottomed out at 21.6 at about 11PM. It's 21.9 now which is the first rise, although only 0.3 degrees, in temp I've seen since the snow started. 3.3 inches and moderate to heavy snow.
  20. Moderate/heavy snow Down to 21.9 from 30 when the snow started. 2.7 inches so far
  21. 21.9 and heavy snow. It's dropped 8 degrees since the snow started, figured it would drop 4 maybe 5 tops. About 2.3 inches so far.
  22. 24.4 moderate snow. A little over an inch so far.
  23. It is a little odd for snowfall averages but their thinking is they want all averages closed on a calendar year basis. For 30 year snowfall averages running from July 1 of the first year to June 30 of the last year may have been another way they could have gone, but then for temperature data your splitting up summer in the first and last years of the 30 year averages. It all even out over the decades.
  24. Adjusted from this morning when I erroneously reported 0.6 inches fell in Central Park. Thank you Don. With the 0.5 inches of snow recorded in Central Park today this now leaves NYC needing 31.3 inches of snow between now and December 31 2020 to reach a 30.0 year average for snowfall when the new 30 year averages come out in Jan 2021. The average would now be 29.0 inches if no more snow fell for the next two years (never happened and hopefully never will). The current monthly averages for NYC for Jan 1991-Jan 2019 October......0.1 November....0.5 December....5.0 January.......8.9 February....10.8 March.........4.9 April...........0.4 Seasonal Avg..30.7
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