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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. I couldn't agree more. If you can't root for a snowy February and March you should consider moving. I can see how April snows get on people nerves but I welcome them any year I get them, and in the HV they are fairly common.
  2. The biggest reason would have been disco, but thank God disco died in the early 80's. Thank you Bruce, U2, Tom Petty, Mellencamp and the legends of punk and metal that all helped bring it down.
  3. Not for a second, maybe -12 or -13? I bottomed out at -5.6° this morning. Yesterdays squall was 0.6 inches bringing my seasonal to 20.9 inches. Another 30 or so this season to get to normal. I'm having serious doubts we even come close.
  4. Morning low of -5.6°, didn't quite beat last years low on January 7th of -6.1°
  5. The 0.4 inches of snow recorded in Central Park, yesterday, now leaves NYC needing 30.7 inches of snow between now and December 31 2020 to reach a 30 inch average for snowfall, when the new 30 year averages come out in January 2021. The average would now be 29.0 inches if no more snow fell between now and December 31 2020. The current monthly averages for NYC for Jan 1991-Jan 2019 October......0.1 November....0.5 December....5.0 January.......8.9 February....10.8 March.........4.9 April...........0.4 Seasonal Avg..30.7
  6. 0.0° Now I have to beat last weeks -1.8°. I'd guess that's a lock. Maybe Feb 2016's -11.2°? Three years since double digit sub zero .If not tonight, tomorrow night?
  7. 1918/19 0.6 inches Nov through January 1931/32 0.9 inches in Dec and January but 2.0 inches in November 1994/95 0.2 inches Nov-January, What a nightmare 1997/98 0.5 inches Nov-Jan, another nightmare. We really paid dearly for 93/94 and 95/96 with some of the biggest clunkers ever in the 90's and of course this year 0.7 in December and January and 6.4 in November
  8. I only received 2.6 inches from this last debacle and am now at 7.9 for the month, definitely below normal snowfall wise for January. Some towns in NW Orange County only 20 miles from me received 6-8 from yesterdays storm, with one report of 10, not sure I'm buying that one. It's just how this winter rolls.
  9. A very odd month. Add in the next two days and it will finish near normal temperature wise, in addition 15 days above normal and 16 days below, and snowfall wise a total dud in the immediate NYC area. Places N & W did close to average snowfall wise this month.
  10. I guess I'm low person in Orange County this round, 2.6 inches and done. The seasonal total is now 20.3 inches but to me the more important number is days with snow cover which now stands at a putrid 11 days including today. Last year on this date my seasonal total was 24.5 inches but my days to this point with snow cover was 31, and to me that makes a world of difference. Of course last year at this time I still had 59 more inches to go. I'm not expecting that again this year.
  11. 13.8° I just can't see any rain up here tomorrow. Pretty sure the mid levels will be okay and I don't think it breaks 30 tomorrow so this should be all snow. It will be interesting to see what we can squeeze out of it. Not expecting to beat the 10 inches from November 15th, or even come close, but beating last weeks 5.0 inches of snow followed of course by 1 inch of compression would be nice, just minus the ice this time. What a thought an event with just snow. Is it possible? Stay tuned.
  12. 14.2° right now. I'm sure it will go up some tonight once the clouds roll in but I don't see how we get any mix up here tomorrow, BL seems fine and I doubt we crack 30°. The weather channel app is on crack, high of 36°, not happening.
  13. Yes Redfield NY, heaven on Earth. I believe the average is over 300 inches per year in that area of the Tug hill Plateau.
  14. Well 3 of the last 4 winters in NYC March has been the snowiest month. Colonia is not that far from NYC so I wouldn't think it's that different. Warm march? I guess it depends on what you define as warm. I've lived my entire life in the HV so March is just another winter month to me, especially the first three weeks, and always has been.
  15. 3 more weeks is not historically accurate, although for this winter it may apply. Jan 20 through Feb 18th is the best 30 day period for 6 inch or more snows, but up to March 20th the chances of 6 inch or above snowfalls in NYC are not at all uncommon, as the list below of 10 day periods for 6 inch plus snows in NYC shows. NYC 6+ inch Snows - 10 day periods 1..... Nov-11-Nov-20 4..... Nov-21-Nov-30 6..... Dec-01-Dec-10 13.... Dec-11-Dec-20 18.... Dec-21-Dec-30 12.... Dec-31-Jan-09 15.... Jan-10-Jan-19 20.... Jan-20-Jan-29 25.... Jan-30-Feb-08 25.... Feb-09-Feb-18 16.... Feb-19-Feb-28 18.... Feb-29-Mar-10 11.... Mar-11-Mar-20 2..... Mar-21-Mar-30 6..... Mar-31-Apr-09 1..... Apr-10-Apr-19 193.. Nov-15-Apr-13
  16. Speaking of March 1888, because there's really nothing snow wise to talk about this winter, in addition to the blizzard, the average temperature in NYC for March 1888 was 29.9°, I still find that as amazing as the blizzard. That was about 0.3° above the January average at the time. Now it would be almost 3 degrees above the current January 30 year average. It still remains, and probably always will, as the only March to have an average temperature in NYC below 30°. Don't get me started on the 21 inch measurement in Manhattan. I've studied the pictures and the surrounding areas measurements and there is little doubt in my mind that Manhattan received somewhere between 30-36 inches from that storm. Brooklyn and Queens measured 36 inches and New Haven 45, Albany 48 and Saratoga 58. I'd be curious what Uncles take is on the Manhattan measurement, as I don't know of any better weather historian out there.
  17. Boston 1.6 inches this month 1.8 inches for the season. That makes me feel better, but this winter still sucks, so far.
  18. So the best this winter can give is 4 days of a beautiful winter landscape? Wiped away by a raging rainstorm and temps in the 50's in one day. A frozen snow pack with a LE of 1.5 inches should not be wiped away in the course of 12 hours. That is not suppose to happen in January. Just when you think this winter can't get any worse it tops itself.
  19. Well at least we're not alone. It looks like everyone in the eastern two thirds of the country other than upstate NY and northern NE are in the same boat
  20. To me winters get their good grades through sustained snow cover. I need at least 60 days in the mid November through April 1 period with snow cover or the winter is a bust IMO. The last 2 winters I've gone over that, 67 days last year and 84 days the year before. This winter I'm at 9 days, that's a sh!tty winter, at least so far. One big storm that melts within the week would not help much, at least from my perspective.
  21. We are now entering what is historically the best period in NYC for 6 plus inch snowfalls. There have been 193 six plus inch storms since 1870 occurring in the 5 month period between November 15th to April 13th. Seventy of them have occurred in the 30 day period between January 20th to February 18th. NYC 6+ inch Snows - 10 day periods 1..... Nov-11-Nov-20 4..... Nov-21-Nov-30 6..... Dec-01-Dec-10 13.... Dec-11-Dec-20 18.... Dec-21-Dec-30 12.... Dec-31-Jan-09 15.... Jan-10-Jan-19 20... Jan-20-Jan-29 25... Jan-30-Feb-08 25... Feb-09-Feb-18 16.... Feb-19-Feb-28 18.... Feb-29-Mar-10 11.... Mar-11-Mar-20 2..... Mar-21-Mar-30 6..... Mar-31-Apr-09 1..... Apr-10-Apr-19 193.. Nov-15-Apr-13
  22. Good question. I did some quick stats on that this morning. There have been 39 seasons with 40 or more inches of snow in NYC in the last 150 years. Figuring that the average snowfall by January 31st is roughly 14.5 inches using 150 year norms, only 6 of those 39 winters have had less than 14.5 inches of snow by February 1st. They were 1895/96 3.3 inches by Jan 31 46.3 for the season, 1906/7 12.3 inches by Jan 31 and 53.2 for the season, 1913/14 1.6, and 40.5 1915/16 8.8, and 50.7 1966/67 10.5 and 51.5 2009/10 with 14.5 and 51.4 With 7.1 inches now and hopes dimming of reaching 14.5 by Feb 1, one would have to think that the odds were low of reaching 40 inches this season. However in 2 of the 6 seasons where that did occur, record snowfalls for the month were established in February and March. The 1895/96 season saw the March record of 30.5 inches and of course recently in 2009/10 the February record was established at 36.9 inches. Both monthly records still stand. As would be expected all of the 6 seasons that were below average on Feb 1 but that ended up over 40 inches for the season had significant snows in the time period afterward. Notably Feb 25-26 2010 - 20.9 inches and February 10, 2010 10.0 inches February 7, 1967 - 12.5, March 22, 1967 9.0 inches March 6, 1916 - 7.6 March 1-2, 1914 - 14.5, Feb 13-14 1914 9.7 inches February 4-5, 1907 - 11.0 and March 10, 1907 6.0 March 15-16 1896 - 12.0 inches and March 2 1896 10.0 inches
  23. 7.0° Temperature never dropped all night. I figured with a snowpack, winds dying down and clear skies below zero was a lock.
  24. This setup and track is somewhat similar to the Feb25-26 2010 storm. 20.9 inches in Central Park, 35 IMBY in Orange County and a raging rain storm through most of New England all the way up through Vermont. That still ranks as the most extreme rain/snow line I've ever seen.
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