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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. I'm all for it. They aren't winning this year...let NYY and LAD duke it out.
  2. Thank God...all set with taking a 5th RD pick.
  3. In the medium range, anyway....def. don't want to understate if its high confidence.
  4. The success rate of forecasting greater than 1/2" of ice over a widespread area at day 3-4 is pretty low.
  5. I have mentioned that a tic was possible due to your gradient...that said, the ice mongers can't afford to give any of said trend back-
  6. I think I'm okay right now, but one more tic and I'm porked.
  7. If it does play out just like 2008, then Kev will need a straight jacket.
  8. Yes....hence I was emphasizing your statement
  9. So its plain rain IMBY...gotta hope that OP isn't underdoing CAD at all.
  10. Please tell me I have a sleet profilec with 1.9" qpf
  11. You love to crush the good rev's dreams lol
  12. I hit the third paragraph and would have bet my life that this was @Typhoon Tip lol
  13. Nah, juat bustn' ...lot easier to throw stuff out there when it isn't your livelihood
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