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Everything posted by ILoveWinter

  1. Still early and I doubt most people here will jump on a few good model suites! (eh, who am I kidding?)
  2. 5 at CPK - there you have it for those wondering if it would be reached.
  3. That may be true but to me it’s quite unfair that the opposing team doesn’t even have the opportunity. This is especially evident in the playoffs.
  4. OT rules in the NFL are awful, game is basically decided on a coin toss. That about clinches my decision to not watch yet another Super Bowl with the Pats.
  5. Yes very true. Not sure how common it would be for both cities to receive heavy snow (no mixing for NYC) from the same system but I imagine its quite rare.
  6. Thought this was cool. Check out how windy (and the insane wind chills) it will be at the summit of Mt Washington on Monday and Monday night: https://www.mountwashington.org/experience-the-weather/higher-summit-forecast.aspx
  7. Still snowing (maybe mixing a bit but hard to tell from apartment) in uws around Lincoln center tho not sticking anywhere.
  8. Still snowing (maybe mixing a bit but hard to tell from apartment) in uws around Lincoln center tho not sticking anywhere.
  9. Yeeesh, thank god I was insanely busy at work this week, didn't waste any day-time tracking for this.
  10. Yea agree - though the weenie in me was always hoping for a dramatic SE correction but prob not in the cards. What is certainly not set in stone is how much of a front end thump we get.
  11. Agree! Though it can be excruciating at times, def love tracking the potential.
  12. I'm pretty sure all of the financial markets are all closed though, obviously only a segment of the labor force but a sizeable one.
  13. Thanks - would prefer rain to any ice (sleet is fine) so hoping for a good front end thump and/or back end surprise.
  14. Still need a pretty decent SE shift to get to a mostly snow event down to the coast but def an improvement over yesterday. Do you think this SE trend will continue or do you think that the active MJO will prevent that?
  15. Certainly not the time to throw in the towel but you would want to see Euro/EPS and GEFS actually making some incremental improvements by Thursday. 100+ mile model errors not as likely as we approach the end of the work week.
  16. Not a Met or anything but still far enough out where ensembles > operational
  17. That one was pure torture as the cut off was quite extreme and closer to our area than this one will likely be.
  18. Glad to be out of the city as I am actually in Armonk right now, was great to wake up to a snowy scene!
  19. What did the Euro show? Assuming not much since I don't see any chatter about it...
  20. Based on the storms we had this past March in marginal set ups, I wouldn’t expect much accumulation in Manhattan with this one.
  21. I know it’s certainly not unprecedented to get snow in mid November but I’ve gotta day, I just can’t believe we are already tracking a potential. Assumed a backloaded winter this year.
  22. Guys the very accurate 90 day forecast from accuweather says some snow and rain on Sunday 12/2, should I move my flight?
  23. I am quite sure it’s been far cloudier than average this month. Some stat I saw showing a cloudy day 70% of time when observed at noon for the month thus far. Normal was around 25% I believe.
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