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Everything posted by radarman

  1. Thanks. Below is the link to an observational study referenced in that paper which did not share the same conclusion. https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/m20-6817 Important to note that while this study was done with social distancing, it was not done in conjunction with mask mandates. So it informs mainly the self-protective side of the equation rather than the protection of others. In a situation where masks were ubiquitous it may well be better protection, however it's hard to conduct a large scale observational study using an unmasked control group in the presence of mask mandates.
  2. The virus was not widely thought to be airborne until much later. Now I think it's taken for granted that it is. N95 type respirators might be quite effective but if indeed most people are getting it via aerosols the majority of the fabric masks you see aren't going to help very much.
  3. That's more or less normal this time of year. Enjoy it. It's lovely to sit outside and enjoy a beer at 11PM with temps still in the low 90s.
  4. We were sunny for less than 90 minutes, now ovc with a period of dz having just moved through.
  5. Yeah no discussion of case severity mentioned in there that I saw.
  6. The Cleveland clinic data was certainly compelling with the opposite conclusion. As far as US studies on the topic go there aren't many.
  7. Well, it doesn't agree with what existing studies and stats are out there, and there are a few holes, but with that said this is at least a piece of actual science that supports vaccination after at least 6mos since a previous case. So it's not the slam dunk but it's something.
  8. probably a nice undercast view from the east slope this morning, because here in the valley we OVC
  9. Do they even have another name?
  10. it's likely that a very high percentage of Israelis are vaxxed, so you'd expect numbers like that, but the risk of contraction among the unvaccinated would still be far higher.
  11. Just speculating but I wonder if that CPU/GPU law was a backdoor way to ban bitcoin mining
  12. Yep. Just total idiocy. GPUs have historically performed vastly better for deep neural networks, and even non AI approaches to problems with large search spaces can benefit greatly from their use. Even as some recent optimization techniques may shift the balance back toward CPUs, you'll still need a very high powered CPU to compete with the shear brute force power of GPUs.
  13. I definitely agree that it should be about hospitalizations and deaths, but I'm pretty sure not everybody agrees.
  14. I bet parts of Btown might be 18"+. Unfortunately no cocorahs gauges here.
  15. Who cares they're just flailing now. That strategy never works. Glad they didn't get well rounded ballplayers like they had in the dynasty days.
  16. Ram was one of his better ones IMO
  17. If anyone can pull 700 j/kg of instability out of their hat, I think that could be the number for a low topped supercell... maybe SW CT? Up here not totally out of the question, but seems doubtful
  18. Looks like the HRRR is caving on the cape, 2 runs in a row now
  19. it's bagged. Then of course the 3km totally reversed course from the Cape crusher at 6z to the Cape split at 12z. I think Kev mentioned that they've missed just about everything this year, and when I called the campground they said the same thing... that they really needed the rain and the ponds were way down. Funny how fickle convective precip can be. At any rate the HRRR still pretty insistent as are the globals, so we'll head down bright and early tomorrow instead and Fri/Sat look pleasant and sunny.
  20. Unrelated but has anyone been to the new Treehouse in Sandwich? Thinking of making a trip. Lately have been mainly drinking sours, marzen, and hefeweizen. Good to mix it up.
  21. I mainly agree with you here and fully expect that at some point in the next 12 mos the evidence will show that natural immunity > however many mos old is no longer as effective as an updated version of the vaccine. And then it will be time to get jabbed.
  22. I did yesterday. Would have expected you to read it given your obvious interest in the topic
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