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Everything posted by radarman

  1. I'll also sell a foot of rain. I'd have to see to believe that around these parts for sure. If it should happen I'll give props to folks.
  2. so we've gone from Harvey redux and worse than Sandy to it's over with one GFS run...
  3. given that the northern stream s/w today might drag in a little dry air into NNE especially behind it, with the next one situated well back west of the lakes, and an U/L ridge moving overhead, it's not a typical setup for a PRE. There may be some moisture advection out ahead through the baroclinic zone, but not a lot of lift to be had.
  4. I'd think that slower motion would be a negative signal for wind, even accounting for duration, given the rapid weakening that would occur over cooler waters. Hydro concerns might be ramped up however.
  5. Should always use cash when patronizing small businesses and making small purchases. Unless you think the big banks deserve some of that transaction. Hitting the ATM machine is a small inconvenience you can totally manage to support the locals. Tip in cash too.
  6. I went to People's Pint in Greenfield tonight and sign on the door said closed due to staffing. Saturday night. Sad.
  7. I never understood why folks had so much trouble lining up by number frankly. It seemed way more orderly than on AA, etc., when they call group 3 and everyone pushes to the gate all at once like a herd of cattle. Or want to pay like $30 extra to not sit in a middle seat or at the back of the plane.
  8. I only fly SWA. Luv luv luv. Companion pass, early boarding, skip the security line. Get the emergency exit seat with tons of room 90% of the time.
  9. They should have had no walls and make the field the size of the Polo Grounds. If it rolls into the corn it's a ground rule double. But other than that, yeah I agree it's very cool. They lucked out with comfortable wx too.
  10. Huge rainbow and incredible pastel hues tonight
  11. KBAF 122133Z 33022G59KT 4SM -TSRA BR SQ FEW035 SCT060 BKN080 25/23 A2997 RMK AO2 PK WND 29059/2127 LTG DSNT ALQDS RAB29 TSB27 TS NW MOVG SE P0000 T02500233
  12. Honestly, my only regret is that this didn't happen during ski season
  13. honestly, probably spend my 10 weeks of accrued vacation doing the same stuff I've been doing so all the radar network stakeholders don't get completely f*cked over. Then we'll see.
  14. Decision came yesterday afternoon. The Monday deadline is for shot 1. Shot 2 deadline is 9/16.
  15. A follow up to the UMass vaccination mandate implemented yesterday... anyone not vaccinated is placed on immediate unpaid leave starting on Monday. There's no submission of evidence for in state residents, apparently they already have it in a database. Anyway, I respect the rights of employers to do what they want... decisions have consequences on both sides...
  16. There was a paper posted here the other day that was against my position and swayed me. Which I why I mentioned earlier, 'the preponderance of evidence' rather than 'all the evidence'.
  17. what are they privy to secret studies the rest of us aren't? Because I'm the first to admit my mind could be changed with, you know, evidence.
  18. Kind of funny that some folks think you need 8 years of med school to read and comprehend a cohort study.
  19. I'm not sure we're totally on the same page. I'll probably be vaxxed in the next 6-12 mos assuming natural immunity does in fact wane substantially to make it notably less protective than the vax. But that decision will be on my own timeframe, not the timeframe of a job. Plenty of jobs out there.
  20. well, most (not all, I admit) stats and research doesn't show benefit through at least 6 mos and possibly longer. And AFAIK the one paper that I have seen that looked at vaxx outcomes showed a 7x rate of worse reactions for those that have had covid compared to those that haven't. All the paper links I've posted. That's enough for me for now Possibly. But it's pretty clear you're motivated by politics and/or don't spend time reading the actual science so, I'm not going to try to defend myself to you. It'll be in one ear out the other.
  21. less hours on twitter, more hours reading this thread you'd know
  22. I wouldn't know, have never had facebook and my job isn't to sit around and look at social media all day, wx boards aside of course
  23. LOL I'll be vaxxed when science suggests I should be thanks and leave the politics to folks like yourselves. That's not my forte. We'll see about the career.
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