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Everything posted by TugHillMatt

  1. Is there any such thing as a nice, clean snowstorm with no taint? lol My call for SYR area: 2 to 5 inches, then rain showers/dry slot, then lake effect on the back side...probably hitting Auburn to Tully the most.
  2. The warm tongue is now on the Icon, GFS, and Euro...right into the Syracuse area. GFS totals continue to decrease with each run.
  3. Hey, the fact that Thursday is looking better is encouraging. It would be fantastic to have a base of snow down before whatever comes on the weekend. Could we ACTUALLY get a "building Snowpack" of several system snows on top of each other?!?! A co-worker and I were talking this morning about how it felt so cold after being in the 60s this weekend...the temp was 30 degrees. I then said is this what our NORMAL HIGH is supposed to be. Just puts how mild it has been into perspective. Hopefully that ends this week for a long time.
  4. On CPC and EPS... All that cold air off the coast of BC is going to ruin any sustained cold. It will lead to a huge ridge too far east that will roll out the warmth across the nation. The pattern is just a mess.
  5. It's practically impossible to get over an inch of snow this winter from an "event." Add to that it's just as impossible for a snowpack to exist. Hopefully things change next weekend into the following week.
  6. Mid 60s at 6 this morning...and now....I am getting a legitimate snow shower!
  7. I thought the 0Z suite actually looked better? Thursday looks like it could provide 1 to 3 inches, and then the weekend looks like a front end thump with maybe some light rain/dry slot, and then snow showers and lake effect afterwards. The week after looks sort of boring, but cold.
  8. It's 41 degrees here, while it's 68 degrees on the other side of Syracuse! https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap?lat=43.16&lon=-76.33&zoom=8&pin=&rad=1&rad.type=00Q&wxsn=0&svr=0&cams=0&sat=0&riv=0&mm=0&hur=0
  9. Yes, many of the Great Lakes posters are talking about how this system has been a disappointment. They definitely aren't getting what was called for.
  10. I would MUCH rather have a clipper pattern than this crap up and down pattern with a gazillion thaws. At least with a clipper pattern it can look like WINTER. Clipper patterns are almost vital for a Great Lakes Winter to rock. East coast storms are often too far east, and if they're west...it's flipping cutter city. The one big pattern I would root for that doesn't involve a clipper pattern is one similar to the 90s, where lows actually moved up along the Appalachians and slammed the Apps mountains and upstate NY with snow. We don't seem to get these patterns anymore.
  11. I will never forget that either. I grew up in Willow Street/Conestoga area and remember being so upset when I woke up the next morning to it ALL gone.
  12. I am going to be in Florida Feb. 21st. Winter better not come for one week in February.
  13. Bummer! I was looking forward to coming here and seeing how some of you might be cashing in. Sounds like another disappointing system. It has been in the 60s here in Upstate NY much of the day.
  14. Fortunately it's two weeks away. But, it certainly doesn't bring a sense of peace about winter actually settling in anytime soon.
  15. Ugly garbage. If it doesn't cut, it's a pathetic little thing like what we see on this upcoming Thursday. Did you see the cutter at the end? ALL RAIN in ALL of the northeast.
  16. Seriously Spring. Took advantage of it (despite how much I hate the thought of warm weather in winter) and actually really enjoyed a walk with my wife and a friend this afternoon. We spent a couple hours on the Onondaga Parkway Trail and Restoration Way Trail that wrap along Onondaga Lake in Syracuse. There were MANY people out enjoying the weather.
  17. It does change...to a solid trough over the east that doesn't allow any systems to form.....until ANOTHER cutter forms...lol
  18. Hey, the fact that we can even get Lows to start showing up in long range that have 50%+ wintry precip. for us is a big improvement to the pattern over the crap we have had. It's lame...but it's better.
  19. He's the Rochester Snow Spotter. He can do anything he wants!
  20. I don't know, but the snow spotter there posted this picture of the road leading to the ROC airport...
  21. I will join in on the life sharing. My wife and I are both in our 30s too, with no kids. I reaaaally want kids, but my wife is in no hurry. We will see what happens in the next couple years. I would like to have kids by 40. So the only kid we we have right now is our buns buns, named Peter. I thought a pet bunny would be boring, but he is hilarious. Quite the personality! Then, the family dog that we all helped get for my parents, is the Golden Retriever, Sherlock, that you see. Our family LOVES Goldens. Every time I go back to visit in PA, he greets me by laying on top of me...cuz, you know...Goldens think they're Lap Dogs and have no concept of personal space. lol
  22. I wouldn't be the only fool standing outside examining snowflakes and taking a gazillion measurements of snow on the ground and acting like I've never seen snow before!
  23. I'm a bit confused by the MJO forecast. Don't many of them show it quickly going back to neutral and then potentially the warm phases again?
  24. Rent out a bus, Delta...because we're all going with you.
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