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Everything posted by TugHillMatt

  1. Yeah, their peculiarly-worded forecasts that get put that say things like 'Snow. Rain likely. Chance of rain showers, blah blah..." lol Straight out "Rain after midnight" with temps in the upper 20s, with a strong southerly wind...
  2. What's odd is they don't have temps getting higher than the lower 30s. For my location, it doesn't get above freezing. However, with howling winds from the....SOUTH...I can easily see where they're coming from. Just another kick in the nads from this bloody winter.
  3. Apparently several of you Syracuse area guys are excited about this possibility. You better hope it doesn't rain. I'm holding you to it.
  4. Bahaha! That section is chaotic enough. We don't need your body distracting all the drivers...................
  5. Where the heck is Bing. getting all this "rain" they have in the forecast for Onondaga tomorrow night??? They are obviously not impressed with this system.
  6. If that doesn't happen, totals would be higher for this area in particular. But, sticking with the year's pattern, I wouldn't be surprised if what the NAM is showing happens.
  7. Thanks, I just realized that. I think we have yet to get more than 3 or 4 inches of pure synoptic snow this year from any system. Pathetic
  8. Binghamton certainly didn't. Winter Weather Advisory for Onondaga for 2 to 5 inches and a mix. They included us with all the counties in their PA viewing area. lol
  9. My gosh, the Atlantic looks awful. Just as it has for many winters recently.
  10. "They" forgot to mention that the major flooding a week away has a 100% likelihood of happening. The snow falling on Saturday...That's a 10% chance.
  11. Thanks. It reminds me of the typical West-wind lake effect events in West Michigan...so this is the type of lake effect I'm used to. As you may remember, there it was the SW flow lake enhanced events that I LOVED. Not very common...but when they happened...spectacular. (Usually ahead of cold clippers.) I am hoping to soon experience a true Lake Ontario band with multiple lake-connections. Last APRIL in Sylvan Beach was the best band I've seen so far here in Upstate.
  12. I think I much prefer these multi-band events. Although we don't get the crazy rates, I like that most everybody in the Syracuse/Tug region cashes in. I don't have to wait hours and hours for 1 hour of heavy snow. I like the snow falling fairly consistently and that it looks like winter over a larger area. If what we are getting tonight is a more typical NW lake effect snow event, then I look forward to more.
  13. Yeah, it started later than expected...instead of through the day, it started as sun was going down. I would say this actually worked out better and has made it quite easy for the snow to pile up. Nam's looking better for the weekend. Some positives this evening!
  14. If you're ever up for a new hiking buddy, let me know. It is indeed a nice place!
  15. When we were looking in the area, I REALLY liked Cazenovia/Pompey area. But Caz and your town are too expensive for me. Beautiful areas. Bville isn't much cheaper in the housing market, but I work here, so it's a much shorter and relaxing commute. Seems like average snowfall probably cuts off pretty sharply between Auburn, Seneca Falls, and Geneva.
  16. Boy, am I glad i did not move to the Finger Lakes...Wow, what a snow screw zone. 18Z GFS looks sliiiiightly better for No Onondaga county...but man, Geneva, Dansville, etc. look to barely get anything.
  17. It's been coming down nicely all evening here, with occasional short breaks. About 4 inches.
  18. Lol...just a LITTLE bit. Hey, if we have snow on the ground, at this point, I would much rather COLD and some sunshine to enjoy it than another damp, swampy cutter storm.
  19. Nice for Rochester. You guys are definitely going to beat out the 'Cuse this winter. Barely anything going on here. Light snow showers. Nice snow hole over No. Onondaga county.
  20. You have a quarter inch!??! Man, I'm jealous. I have about 25 snowflakes left in the shade..
  21. Temp has jumped up and the coating of snow we had is starting to melt. Winter 2019/2020 lives on........................................................
  22. Better hope today overperforms...or that the international models are right for this weekend.
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