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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. There was barely a mention of the flooding in TN.....and that situation was far worse.....but TN isn't part of the I95 metropolis....
  2. Led by TWC....a blast from the past....
  3. Last evening TWC was mentioning dangerous storm surge in Boston.....only if this happens...
  4. Send video of the damage to TWC it may make it into their upcoming special Henri Storm of the Century
  5. More like Hurricane Franchy....
  6. I sure am lol....and I meant my post as a compliment...we're on to Monday...
  7. You are the forum's E.F Hutton..." When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen"
  8. Always good to see when JB is levelheaded and doing his best to calm the masses
  9. By next Monday at the latest you will be hosting a show on The Weather Channel !!
  10. The best post so far in the thread... considering that it was your 2cents worth that means you still have a lot of pocket change to spend....feel free to spend more by posting more often in the thread.
  11. it's sort of like warming up in the bullpen for winter...
  12. This thread is like training camp for the winter threads!
  13. Perhaps Bloom can trade him to the Braves for Pablo Sandoval...it wouldn't help the team BUT it would be a boom for local restaurants...
  14. I love cold weather. And I know many people who love cold weather... yeah and maybe if people weren't babies and put on 8 layers of clothing when the temp drops to 40 they would be able to handle the cold....sign me up for an attic outbreak over this weather ..
  15. I have long had the impression that Fisher would love warm/hot weather year round.
  16. Then we can bicker over if the 240 hr GFS is showing a shift of 5 miles to the NW of a storm that is suppose to miss by 750 miles lol....much better than discussing temps/dews/
  17. Only the Boston bats last night against the Rays are hotter than today's weather....
  18. Exactly!!!....it's been happening with more and more frequency ....Instead of seeing a map with forecasted temps I soon expect to see a map of the forecast area with the word "blowtorch" across the map
  19. Thank you , you saved me countless hours of research Much appreciated!!...
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