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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. A thousand times better chance of the Jets winning all of their remaining games and winning their 1st SB since 1969.....
  2. had a very light frost in Methuen on Sunday morning..
  3. we all know if this was winter the storm would be tracking 500 miles to the west....especially if it was Christmas Eve day or Christmas day
  4. Lucky you!! Rather than power walk most of my neighbors power nap several times a day!!
  5. Guaranteed he will deny the lawn needs mowing lol
  6. Same in here in Methuen....well took only 9 days for sprouting to appear. The lawn continues to grow at a good pace. I expect to be mowing the lawn well in to November. Might rival 2015 for latest mow.
  7. A billion times better chance of Franchy winning the MVP AWARD for next 10 seasons while batting .800 and averaging 80 HR's per season....
  8. Where can I sign up??...a lot better than this stretch of warm dull weather...
  9. As things stand right now it is well within the realm of possibility that "we" head into winter after a near record to record warm fall...
  10. I still shovel Great exercise and I love being outside in the winter.
  11. I also rake. Good exercise and it's great to be outdoors in the fall.
  12. Last year I mowed for the last time in mid November. The grass is growing faster this year than last year at this time. He's going to return to find the lawn needs mowing.
  13. Mowed yesterday in Methuen. The lawn is still growing at a rapid pace for this time of the year.
  14. ...should not come to as a surprise to anyone...
  15. another gem from JB Over a year ago I advised a client of mine at the time to purchase less air conditioners than for 2010 because the summer of 2011 would be cooler than the summer of 2010. Now there is talk that this is going to turn out like last summer, but assuming it won’t, the forecast was made. BEFORE LAST SUMMER. The client had to put in their order for air conditioners a year beforehand because they were ordering them FROM CHINA. Hot Summer of 2011 Rewrites Record Books | Climate Central
  16. Talk about being wrong lol Joe Bastardi goes into the forecast at his European website here. Here are some things he says: And Joe adds:
  17. I've ordered a couple of these for the upcoming winter
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