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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Play your cards right and Santa may bring you the childrens book and a 6 Pack of Polar Vortex!!..... Edit:...see post below!!
  2. Government agency not a private weather forecasting company or a private forecaster...
  3. Rarely because such forecasts do not generate much interest. And they do not generate website hits. It's no secret that winter weather in general is hyped to a very large degree. "Polar Vortex to Assault Eastern 2/3 of nation".....99 percent of people think Polar Vortex is a specialty drink made with Russian vodka...
  4. It isn't panic at all....just take a look at what the overall pattern has been producing for months...once again there isn't a single sign of a dramatic pattern change....and every year we also go through people insisting it is going to be a cold/snowy winter...
  5. The majority of people that produce a winter forecast are biased towards cold/snow so their bias hampers them to look at things without the bias impacting their forecast(s)...many also downplay the impact of climate change.
  6. You are setting yourself up for disappointment...
  7. That certainly will not be taking place in SNE. I have never seen so many trees with leaves on them. In this area the leaf drop is at least 3 weeks late.
  8. ...well it is approaching mid november and there is not a single sign of a dramatic pattern change that is going to be required. There has been very few cold fronts all fall. Near record to record warm temps.
  9. unfortunately some days it is just Great Snow 1717....
  10. Agree. ....the word great doesn't apply.
  11. Let me know when you "see" any real cold air.....
  12. As things stand right now it would be difficult to argue the opposite.
  13. Exactly because warm rules the climate....sad but true.
  14. On pace for near record to record warm fall...sure does remind me of 76-77 alright lol
  15. Same here in the Merrimack Valley area. I have never seen so many trees "loaded" with leaves this late in the fall.. Also there are many trees that still have mostly green leaves. Lawns are still growing at a good pace.
  16. A strong contender for the post of the year award!!
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