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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. You have a million times better chance of Brady leading the Pats to the SB title this season than that happening.
  2. Agree. I wouldn't even consider using 76-77 because of climate change. Even 95-96 is 25 years ago.
  3. I think the mosquitos have organized attack squadrons this year ....it's been bad....so bad that I have to protect myself while mowing the lawn...
  4. Essentially Hernandez placed the ball on a T for Stanton to hit...
  5. The only thing further away from New England is going to be the ball that stanton hit....
  6. Everyone points to 14-15 but that was an quite the outlier for snow in a relatively short period of time. George thinks SNE has moved to the lake effect snow zone....
  7. Thanks, based on your estimates for Boston and the Berkshires I think it is safe for me to assume around 200 inches for the Merrimack valley area ..just curious are you related to JB????....
  8. Just so I can properly prepare are you going under or over 300 inches of snow??...
  9. You're welcome. There are numerous videos on Youtube that will help you. One other thing if there is a small amount of wood rot in the area the area can be repaired by using Bondo Rotted Wood Restorer and Bondo Wood filler. Works great and is easy to do.
  10. All it takes is a narrow space for bees to enter. Do you know anyone who does vinyl siding? If you do contact the person and have the siding removed in that area. It is not difficult to do. In the picture I noticed the wires around the door and what appears to be a gap along the metal above the door. And it appears there is an awning. Several years ago a friend had an issue with bees getting into his home. He found that the bees were entering in a tiny space in one of the support poles for the awning. The bees would travel the length of the support pole and then enter the home. Try setting up a video camera in the area if you are unable to figure out where the bees are entering the home. Edit: I forgot to mention that Home Depot, Lowes, and Amazon sell vinyl siding repairs kits. They work well to repair holes in siding. And Home Depot and Lowes will color match the siding for touch up paint
  11. For several years I have noticed the same type of yellow jackets in my yard. They are very docile. I've never been bothered by them. They just go about their business in a quiet manner. Is your home vinyl sided? If it is the bees are possibly finding their way under the vinyl siding and then emerging along the door. Another possibility is the bees are entering in the same area that wires enter your home. Check those areas carefully for any signs of tiny holes. Great Stuff works great to fill holes/gaps. Bondo Wood Filler also works great.
  12. Same here. Hopefully it is a better winter!
  13. The pond on Milk St in Methuen takes longer to freeze than it once did. And some years the pond barely has a skim layer of ice on it. And some years it has not frozen over. Back then people did not have Koi Ponds in their yards because the fish would not have survived the winters. No sense having one of those unless someone was fond of having a pile of dead fish. Now Koi ponds are popular. The Brooks School has several ponds on campus. Some years the ponds do not freeze over at all. At one time those ponds were popular destinations for outdoor hockey.
  14. It is a large "built" in park in Lawrence. The park is surrounded by concrete walls. For decades the city of Lawrence would flood the Playstead in late November to turn it into a large outdoor ice skating rink. The winters were cold enough for the skating to last until late March or early April. If Lawrence did that now the park would be a quagmire in most years. It would not stay frozen. And keep in mind the Playstead has room for 2 softball fields and 2 baseball fields. Back then it was rare for the ice to not stay frozen. When I was playing football in the 70's the fields were usually frozen by late November. There were few years when the fields were not frozen by mid December. Now it is common. My yard takes longer and longer to freeze. The leaf drop now extends well into November. The growing season is longer. Growing up my friends and I would go sledding at the Reservoir in Lawrence. The sledding usually lasted from December to late March. Now there are many years when there may be only a few weeks of good sledding. Talk to anyone who has lived in the area for many years and he/she will tell you that winters have changed Falls and winters have warmed. Snow retention has decreased in the Merrimack Valley area. Most of the daily records that are being broken in the fall and winter are on the "warmth" side. As I mentioned it isn't all about snowfall. there are numerous signs that the climate has warmed and is continuing to warm.
  15. Are you familiar with the Playstead in Lawrence?
  16. I agree. Certainly more difficult than in the 60's and 70's.
  17. ..but it isn't all about snowfall....
  18. Agree, it can no longer be said "long after we are gone" The effects are observed in every season. And certainly over the next few decades the impacts will grow greater.
  19. "Sounds like someone that Brad Stevens would sign to a max contract...
  20. Agree but the failure of futurecast for the most part leads to nowcasting....and to make matters worse every Boston TV met relies on it far too much...This morning every future cast was different. In the forum(s) there is more reasons provided for forecasts. And afterwards there are reasons provided for why a forecast did or did not work out. There should be a forecasting challenge to raise money for charity.....Boston TV mets vs the forum mets....the challenge lasts from Dec1-April 1....
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