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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. You'll feel better after the Mets sign Bauer to a lucrative contract...........
  2. I'd be surprise if a lockdown went into place on Friday. There would be a period of time for business owners to make plans. That happened in Massachusetts prior to the lockdown.
  3. Trump declared winner in Alaska, grabbing three electoral votes Is Rudy checking to find out if Alaska is a county in PA????
  4. Some of the president’s closest allies seem to have lost touch with how elections work. Last Saturday, shortly after networks projected that Biden would become the 46th president, Rudolph Giuliani accused the Democrats of trying to steal the election. “Networks don’t get to decide elections,” he lamented. “Courts do.” Actually, voters decide elections, and in this case they have. Courts step in when necessary to adjudicate disputes. In 2000, the Supreme Court effectively decided the election by stopping the Florida recount with George W. Bush 537 votes ahead of Al Gore. No one thought it was good that the court decided the election. This year, no state count is anywhere as close as Florida was on the day the recount battle started in 2000. The Trump team hasn’t produced anything that would suggest that the president can reverse the margins where he is disputing the result Giuliani conveniently ignored the fact that, four years ago, these same networks called the election for Donald Trump, and a lot sooner than they did for Biden this year. Not every vote had been counted then, but the world — and Hillary Clinton — accepted the reality that was clear from the numbers. Clinton conceded the next morning. The above is from Microsoft news
  5. I wonder why trump and the lil trumpies never mentioned social media when he was being blasted on social media for the past 4+ years..........
  6. The Faux news lemmings will say it was taken out of context.............
  7. Fitting that the adult bookstore is called Fantasy Island because trump and the trumpettes have been living on Fantasy Island for nearly 4 years.
  8. I always appreciate when Newt Gingrich warns the world of when he is appearing on one of the Fox(news??) shows.....
  9. Is the fraud hotline number the same number for Fox News????.....asking for a friend
  10. Hopefully Biden holds on in AZ because I think it would be very difficult for trump and the trumpettes to dispute the results in AZ.
  11. The look on her face is priceless..."How much am I being paid to be called a liar on air by some lowly reporter"...........
  12. Guiliani will do some weird percentage rounding to make sure it is 0,5% or lower............
  13. You are correct on all points.
  14. It would be all the nails in the coffin and the coffin encased in concrete.
  15. I'm not surprised. System after system into the Pac NW is usually not a good sign for winter enthusiasts in the east.
  16. The bulk likely be counted by then but mail in ballots can arrive on Nov 10th and still be counted.
  17. Agree. His winter outlook has changed somewhat from his earlier thoughts during the summer. Another thing about Cosgrove is he will adjust his forecast accordingly. Some will "drive" their cold & snowy winter forecast off a cliff in an attempt to be right. I prefer someone who adjusts the forecast as needed rather than someone who hangs on to his/her forecast in a desperate attempt to be right.
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