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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. People complaining about the Covid restrictions would be wise to educate themselves on the restrictions and rationing that took place during WW2.
  2. The issue is going to be to convince many people who do not believe Covid is real to take a vaccine for something that they do not think even exists. This story on CNN hints at the challenges of convincing people. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/nurse-some-patients-who-test-positive-refuse-to-believe-they-have-covid-19/vi-BB1b This quote by the trump isn't going to help the cause. Many of his believers think Covid is made up. On October 27th, Trump tweeted: "ALL THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA WANTS TO TALK ABOUT IS COVID, COVID, COVID. ON NOVEMBER 4th, YOU WON'T BE HEARING SO MUCH ABOUT IT ANYMORE. WE ARE ROUNDING THE TURN!!!"
  3. The analog years tells all my friend.............
  4. Trumps only hope goes something like this while tallying up the Biden votes.....4999, 5000, 5001......"Al what time is it?".....".it's 1 o'clock Tucker"....(Al resumes counting) 1, 2, 3,........
  5. After looking at the latest model runs and comparing the all important analog years I've now increased the sustain wind to 95 MPH gust to 125.......This might rival November 1950.....Can we all agree on that???
  6. If you had to bet right now..............
  7. Fitting song to be played on an endless loop outside of the WH.........
  8. Much like Ali did in the Rumble in the Jungle bout against Foreman.
  9. LC has punted the rest of November, all of December and the beginning of Jan..........
  10. Message to Watters because millions and millions of us cannot stand Trump. And we also realized the damage that he would have continue to do the country. And Jesse how many years did it take you to come up with the name"Watters World" ????......Did you,Sean Tucker and Laura hole yourselves up at the Trump Hotel in NYC for a for weeks to come up with "Watters World"??....maybe while the movie Bombshell played on an endless loop on the TV??....
  11. Let us all just agree on sustained wind of 80 MPH with gusts to 110......
  12. C'mon man everyone knows that trump did not have anything to do with it by constantly tweeting and by being in front of the cameras as often as possible........he's innocent as a newborn named Tucker or Sean........
  13. Agree, there is going to be a battle over how a vaccine(s) is distributed. And that plan has yet to be formulated. The Pfizer vaccine has shown promise in trials but it requires being stored a very low temperature and it is going to require 2 doses. A few friends are doctors and they wonder if the vaccine that Johnson & Johnson is working on may be a better bet for widespread distribution because it is only going to require only 1 dose and it is stored far more easily. According to many medical experts Johnson & Johnson is a few months behind Pfizer in developing a vaccine. Many people will wait to see how safe the vaccine is prior to getting the vaccine. While the news is good that a vaccine(s) is on the horizon much needs to be finalized. BTW good wins for your Bills!
  14. Nope that is not Cuomo saying he will not accept a vaccine from the lil boy in the WH... Cuomo is on record that the state of NY will conduct a review of the vaccine after the federal government has completed it's own review of the vaccine. And it's not going to matter because your boy in the WH will no longer be in power......deal with it lol
  15. Your boy in the WH needs to understand he will not be in office after Jan 20th. The child needs to understand his tenure as president is coming to an end in a little over 2 months. Once again find the quote where Cuomo specifically says "I will not accept a vaccine from Trump"
  16. And where in that paragraph does it state Cuomo will not accept a vaccine from trump???? Watch https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/13/politics/cuomo-trump-vaccine-new-york-bully-cnntv/index.html eal news
  17. Find the exact quote where Cuomo says he will not accept a vaccine from Trump.....should be very easy to find...........
  18. Who cares lol.....I would think you have better things to do with your time.........
  19. I have no doubt that trump will be in an office come april but it will not be the oval office............... much .more likely the office in Rudy's basement
  20. You have to be kidding. It would have been impossible for anyone else to handle the covid-19 situation more poorly than what trump did.
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