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Everything posted by mitchnick

  1. There was speculation last fall that the volcano that ejected all that water vapor would cause a strong PV for the winter. That wasn't the case and it was below normal almost the entire winter. We'll need that again and hope for some weakening of the PDO to have a better winter. Worldwide ocean temps are going to be much cooler than last year which should help fwiw.
  2. Gotta cell developing right over me with some heavy, off and on, showers.
  3. We wedgey for now. Harrisonburg, VA at 70 now with mid-upper 60's into north central VA. It’s coming. https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?obs=true&center=39.4473115,-79.941553&density=1&zoom=7&basemap=OpenStreetMap&boundaries=true,false&obs_popup=true
  4. Fwiw, the April Plumes off of the SEAS5 (Euro) backed off a stronger Nina from March's plumes. https://charts.ecmwf.int/products/seasonal_system5_nino_plumes?base_time=202404010000&nino_area=NINO3-4
  5. Sky looking dark and angry to my north with mammatus clouds.
  6. More development to my NW. Both Nams showed nothing. Lol
  7. Just crazy how heavy the rain is while I see blue skies a plenty to my north.
  8. Ughhh...getting ready to mow after waiting for the grass to dry and now getting crushed by that renegade, heavy cell. Now I'm ticked.
  9. It should weaken by the time it gets to Harrisburg.
  10. El Nino springs...they're to die for. Ughh
  11. Late update. I had a total of 2.95" for the weekend. Adding to that the 1.2" from the prior week gives 4.15" as a 10 day total. Lake Codorus is back to normal.
  12. Unlike last summer, I keep getting hit by those convective isolated showers. But radar is finally looking to dry out shortly.
  13. Thunder with that strong, short line moving thru here now. Nasty stuff in WV. Will it make it over the mts in similar intensity? https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=RLX-N0B-1-24-100-usa-radhttps://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=RLX-N0B-1-24-100-usa-rad
  14. 1.3" on the dot here. I fertilized and put down a heavy load of Savin yesterday. Hopefully, the grubbs eat well tonight and die by Monday.
  15. Why do I look at my overgrown lawn in disgust and think of you? Don't answer that. It's a personal problem.
  16. No power all along rt. 94 (main drag) thru Hanover and to the west on Elm Street (rt. 116). Fortunately, power at the house.
  17. Now the sun is out with a heavier snow shower.
  18. Snow showers here in the last 5 minutes and it's 45. Lol That's the winter of 23/24 for you.
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