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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. Got into my car and it was so hot I felt like I was melting. Great day to have the windows down lol
  2. 64 over here right now. Another nice day though a bit windy lol
  3. Didn't we also have a small snowstorm in late March early April a couple years ago as well? Even though that was a small accumulation event it was still wild seeing it snow that late into the season.
  4. DC might hit 80 which would only be the 4th time it's ever gotten that hot during winter which is super impressive
  5. True I can't believe nobody over here is talking about it. It looks insanely impressive right now
  6. From what I can see if it gets to 75 that might be one of our warmest February temps on record. I think there's one day where it got to 82 and another where it was 78 and maybe 76? Even crazier is some of these Feb records in the mid-high 70's just occurred a few years ago in 2017 lol
  7. Same even here in my neck of the woods we've gotten maybe 3 inches the entire season so far and this might be one of the most abysmal winters I've ever seen. I didn't realize you guys were doing even worse
  8. I still vividly remember that storm and waking up and seeing just how much had fallen. I was excited the night prior because we wouldn't have school and then was surprised when it ended up snowing way more than some thought it would
  9. Yep seems typical that that'll happen again. We'll get super cold in late April and May and then just barge straight into a hot summer.
  10. It's nice going out in a tshirt and shorts in winter lol. Today would have definitely felt way warmer if it hadn't been so warm all winter. But luckily for those looking for colder weather and a chance for snow things look a bit more hopeful in the future.
  11. I already am expecting that to happen lmao Remember back in May 2020 when we got a snow squall in May?
  12. Was wondering that too. Definitely has to be a record for a lot of areas. It's 58 over here at 4 am
  13. Same. Once we enter early March then I think it's time to worry imo
  14. That's what I was thinking too when I was looking at some of the records yesterday. It's amazing that that one day still has a record high below 60. For my town the record was 57 degrees on February 7th and that record still hasn't been beaten for so long lol
  15. Could hit 60 tomorrow in some spots. Record high for Harrisburg tomorrow is 61 degrees
  16. Regardless of what you think of the warmth it is nice getting some fresh air inside when it's 56 out like this. Though I will say a day like today doesn't feel as special as it normally would just due to how warm its been all winter. That is another thing I like about winter is it really helps you appreciate the warmer months once they arrive
  17. We have to remember that the 2010's were an oddity. Normally we don't see that many big snowstorms repeatedly. Which makes it even odder because our average temps keep rising at the same time. The average in Harrisburg is now 40 in January. Before 2010 I believe the average high temp was 36 degrees. When you take the 30 year average it keeps going up 2 degrees every 10 years. It really makes me wonder what's going to happen with smaller scale snowstorms in the future. I think we'll still see monster storms once in a while because part of the reason why we've seen so many in the 2010's is due to extreme dips in the jet stream related to warming. Obviously it's not that simple since weather and the earth itself are extremely complicated and there's also many patterns that naturally occur that can last years or decades on top of the man made ones. I just think all the snowstorms spoiled us and made us forget that our general climate is getting harder to produce snow. Pennsylvania is right on that boundary of rain and snow for a lot of storms, so the warmer it gets on average the harder it's going to be for us sadly. Not trying to bring you or anyone down. Just saying things how they are.
  18. Not sure if you're still into games or fighting games but I'm really excited for Street Fighter 6 coming out in June lol. Though I think a lot of you are way older than me. By the time I was old enough to play arcade machines they were already dying out around here
  19. Yep same. I'm still very skeptical we get very much around here.
  20. This image has basically been the story for the whole season around the Harrisburg area. We've constantly been right on that line between rain and snow so we've hardly had any accumulate yet so far.
  21. Yep the system is just becoming more and more brutal as time progresses. The fact corporations and companies do this to their employees is just vile. Because at the end of the day they don't care about you. I had one job in the past at a small business around here that didn't mind AT ALL if you had to come in late or not come in at all if it snowed badly. They would never hold it against you. They're a small business and could handle it so why can these mega corporations not handle it?
  22. Well the next week is looking pretty fun. Chances of 2 snowstorms back to back? I actually like those odds. Makes it more likely that at least one of them will happen. We'll still have to see if either will materialize but considering we're within 5 days with one of those storms it definitely has me interested
  23. This fall was not cold at all. At least not in south central PA. Almost half of October was above average and remember just how hot it was the first 2 weeks of November? The only time it got really cold was around Christmas for a few days. Another thing that seems forgotten is averages increased 2 degrees all over the state because we're now using averages from 1990-2020. The old averages we used were 1980-2010 which were 2 degrees cooler on average than they are now
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