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Everything posted by TheDreamTraveler

  1. I knew the drought was bad but didn't realize May was that bad for a few other places
  2. I hear sirens going off down the highway so it must have been bad there
  3. I can't believe I missed that storm to my east. It missed me by just a thread otherwise I'd probably have had hail here too lol
  4. Saw on the radar the color intensity is the highest it can possibly go. Storm must be pounding over there
  5. Missed the storms to my east yesterday and today missed them all to my west lol
  6. With how dry it is I can definitely see that contributing to the summer being a few degrees warmer some days than what would have originally been forecast as well. Since dryness like that likes to invite more heat
  7. It's weird barely seeing it thunderstorm in May. I miss the storms Also I think I might be one of the youngest ones here lmao. I just turned 33
  8. Year without a summer is super interesting. Apparently it would sometimes be hot and then suddenly get super cold randomly. "Rapid, dramatic temperature swings were common, with temperatures sometimes reverting from normal or above-normal summer temperatures as high as 95 °F (35 °C) to near-freezing within hours." It would also be very wet and damp feeling but chilly at the same time which is interesting
  9. It's nice having a May that's more similar to normal than a brutally hot one. The next 1-2 weeks look pretty nice temp wise
  10. Same here. Still not a drop with the sun shining through the clouds
  11. Was watching this live last night. Absolutely jaw dropping wedge tornado. I'm only just now looking at this high quality footage of it since the stream wasn't super clear. Crazy.
  12. Can't believe I'm saying this but I'm looking forward to some actually normal temperatures for once. That cold spell kinda sucked
  13. Yeah it's pretty annoying people making assumptions about specific parts of the country. If people actually spent time in the big cities or rural parts of the country they'd understand that things are not as they seem online. It also doesn't help that media and social media fearmongers us constantly making us think that everyone's out to harm you or that you might get hurt if you walk outside your home. Most people are nice and caring...obviously there's some people that are awful but the negative things always stick out like sore thumbs compared to all the good in the world. Sorry for the rant lmao
  14. Looks like chances of potentially hitting 90 again on Friday lol. Thursday also incredibly warm as well
  15. Today definitely felt more summerlike than the previous few despite it being a bit cooler just because of that dp
  16. We got some heavy rain here in Enola around midnight. I noticed it all started to vanish as soon as it passed me so I wondered if you got any. It must have cut off. It was really weird because in western PA I saw some heavy rains that then vanished instantly in an hour and then reappeared out of nowhere when it got right near me and then vanished again
  17. If you want to hear some crazy weather...friend in Wisconsin had temps in the mid 80s 4 days in a row. One day broke their record high by 13 DEGREES and now they're under a winter storm warning getting 5-10 inches of snow when it was 80 the previous day lol
  18. lol my dad was digging up part of his yard to build something and he was complaining about how insanely hard it was to shovel deep into the ground. He normally never bitches about anything either so it must have been tough
  19. That is absolutely insane. Apparently it was a stalled out thunderstorm. They got 25 inches of rain in 24 hours. Most of it fell in 6 hours. Crazy.
  20. Apparently the last record high recorded here for today was in...2018. And we might beat that record high again in only 5 years lol
  21. 85 here currently. 1 degree shy of tying the record high
  22. Reaching 90 might be doable on Friday. If so might be the earliest we've seen it hit 90 in a lot of places. Also speaking of record warmth it's going to be more extreme out west. A friend of mine in Wisconsin might beat their record high temp by 7-9 degrees 2 days in a row
  23. I've had it a few times. The flamethrower burger is actually pretty decent as far as fast food goes but just don't go expecting a super high quality burger.
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