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Everything posted by WEATHER53

  1. Many of the celebrity weather guys are excellent discussers of weather but poor predictors of it. We tend to be the opposite.
  2. It will be from 4-7 and sun has waned. 11-2 and I would have the same concern
  3. You should transfer your hobby to clinically depressed, negative and wrong and cease cluttering up space here.
  4. Can somebody give me their take on what temp will be at BWI for Tues 6pm, wed 6am, wed 6pm and thurs 6am thanks
  5. Models in winter do only two things well-cutters and cold outbreaks. Any other form of low pressure they are cluless
  6. I started talking about this 1/14 in the closed Jan med /long range thread. That air is still coming and the -42 850s is 1982,85,94 stuff and is following the typical trajectory of nw-se and across the lakes and over us. It does not push far south and then roll over onto us, it’s a direct shot.
  7. These epic cold winter shots have been coming up in convo and analogs since fall. We know it can happen. Nothing like 10 degrees at 1pm on a sunny day or snowy one.
  8. Too many unproven indexes used and offered as the savior or the destructor. After being lambasted about my “10 days away” commentary which I began around Christmas, I have turned out to be exactly right. MJO and SSW and NAO either in tandem or cherry picked are simply unproven as to outcomes for our area.
  9. I believe in the upcoming big cold, 5 degrees colder than what we just had
  10. Just 10 days away is a bad pattern to be in as it just keeps rolling forward to the next 10 days away segment.
  11. Models do not predict weather for 5+ days, they merely give examples of it
  12. No temp rise in last 2 hours, still 18.5 but fun outside in full sun, got a reading of 33 in full sun but wind wiped that out Ineffective Sunshine Advisory in effect!
  13. Huge cold coming end of Jan. Beyond vodka
  14. Came back from Salisbury and bridge was nerve racking. Definitely some over 50 mph gusts up there. Just gusted right now to 44 here. Wind chill is sustained but when a 40/45 mpg two second gust hits you that “wind chill” is real.
  15. Had a wedding at Seneca Lodge tonight for daughters best friend and I’ve been nervous. Last two storms were easy but this was tough and getting down to 20-30 miles so fine line. Told them freezing rain out there would kill people thus cancel but got a break on it.
  16. We definitely kicked this around about 60 at Norfolk while 40 in DC and there may be some more extreme variables with other locations. could see Pittsburg at 15 and Norfolk at 60 around 2/3pm
  17. That’s 1pm and that 998 did not lift from the 12noon one so will be interesting to see 2pm one
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