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Everything posted by jm1220

  1. Maddening how in this perma-Nina regime this keeps happening in mid-April and not Feb when it’s wanted.
  2. Time to start the thread?
  3. It’s the West/Plains turn for bonanza winters now. That’ll continue as long as we have this Pacific SST orientation. It’s about as hostile as it gets for us.
  4. Yup of course right when it’s not wanted which just sends in maritime puke from the east instead of the west. Right on cue for the last few years. Last year or the year before it was I think 2 weeks straight of some type of easterly winds.
  5. Yup, was a pretty weak sauce seabreeze. Usually it drops fast and we get the full blown Ambrose Jet this time of year.
  6. We never stay warm for long during back door season. Enjoy today and tomorrow before 4 more days of nasty drizzle.
  7. A few 80s in central Nassau and Queens. Sea breeze on radar looks like it’s around the Southern State. As you’d expect way cooler on the barrier islands. Absolutely perfect here-77.
  8. Many/most will be in the 80s today. Already a lot of stations in the low 70s. We’re in the time of year when models underestimate the warmth on days like this in a warm pattern and no strong onshore flow. Break out the shorts.
  9. I'm perfectly fine letting someone else get soaked. But we're near that time of the year where T-storms go to die east of the Hudson. At least they're usually quick deaths.
  10. Been a stretch of awesome snow winters for Alaska and much of the West which will likely continue as long as this perma-Nina and -PDO stays. This “winter” was another Nina in functionality for much of it just added with the juiced Nino southern jet. And next probably “winter” will probably be officially a strong Nina.
  11. Yesterday I noticed a nice ding in a neighbor down the street's metal fence and a huge tree branch next to it. So many wind storms I have no idea which one did it.
  12. Horrible, just wretched day. As 1000x others pointed out.
  13. Here comes back door season. Hopefully we don’t have stretches of it into June.
  14. I was just in the PBI area. Still a huge amount of new construction and influx of residents, however many are on their way back up here after Easter. The Space Coast/Tampa are the biggest areas for incoming residents. The area from PBI to Miami is unfortunately way overdue for a major hurricane.
  15. I’m in Long Beach, just felt it too. Must have been an earthquake too-holy….
  16. I don’t find it any better that now we’re regularly 93 with dew points 75 or over vs more hot but lower dew point.
  17. It can be as hot on LI or even hotter on W wind days in the summer because of downsloping and compressional heating (the area just north of where the onshore and offshore winds meet) near the sea breeze front. That’s why often the hottest spots anywhere on those days are near JFK and S Nassau away from the barrier islands, or even on the barrier islands when they don’t turn to S winds. I totally agree about the humidity “saving” us (heat indices are often well over 100 now, so even the lower temps come with Miami like humidity because the waters are so warm) and the next dry period here being much hotter than before. We see how horrible the heat was down south last summer, one day that will be us too.
  18. Hopefully if the big ACE season pans out there are lots of recurves. In a Nina it’s our one positive indicator for a snowy winter we can look forward to. But the tendency for the Bermuda high ridge to spike further north the last 5 summers or so might also mean storms are headed N at our latitude not NE which is a big danger if we have hurricanes near the Carolina coast.
  19. Bayville and Eatons Neck both had 68mph gusts. They’re windy spots in any easterly wind events but no doubt the HWW verified. Also looks like numerous large branches/some trees down around the island. Rain generally 2.5-3”.
  20. Will cloud back up and more showers with the upper low swinging through.
  21. Usual places like Lindenhurst and Freeport flooded during high tide. Beaches took a pounding again looks like.
  22. I think it’s time to pull the plug and call time of death on any chance of NYC making it to 10” snow this winter
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