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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. ^ Your snow is going to fall off of the ground that way.
  2. I have to laugh at the lack of patience here. The *storm* is suppose to go until 7:00p.m. tomorrow night, at least here. And from the looks of the radar in Tx and Ok, when it does eject to the northwest someone is going to be surprised.
  3. 1.02" of rain here before the flip to IP around 2 to 2:30. Has since flipped to all snow and the ground is white already.
  4. Currently 59.3 on my inaccurate thermometer. Funny how Mother Nature uses an eraser to clear the slate of snow just before a big dump.
  5. Just fired up the snow blower for the first time in about 12 months. Always better to have to play with it for awhile before the conditions get horrendous. Kind of hard grinding on the electric starter as long as I do waking that thing back up. But I am ready if I get the 9+ they are talking about.
  6. Conditions were similar to last night. It looked the same to the southwest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... One thing better was the view to the east. Taken with the 16-35mm at 18mm... Some of the color was better also. The golden minute was nice. Taken with the 100mm... Had a smidge of a red flash. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... Cheers!
  7. Last night I missed a perfect sunset. Actually, right as I walked out of the door at work the western sky was at max red and it was glorious. By the time I warmed up the car and pulled out of the lot the color as gone. So I had to deal with something a little more pedestrian tonight. There as some cirrus creeping in from the west as the sun set. Some weak sundogs as the Sun sank into the cirrus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... Best color and dynamics as the Sun disappeared into the thickening cloud cover. Taken with 24-70mm at 35mm...
  8. Bummer. My broom snow streak has ended. Had to get out the shovel to do the driveway after work.
  9. OK. so answer this, if you have a black substrate and print a white circle on it, which colors will be used? Seeing how you are moving this to printed media.
  10. Trouble with being this far from Lake Michigan is that when the flow is just right, I am going to get gunked. I could see some clearing to the east northeast but that hardly does much good towards sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Looking southwest the sky had that bruise color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 31mm...
  11. I called it a broom snow. Only needed a broom to push it aside this morning. Have not had to shovel anything yet this season.
  12. Well, it is a banter thread and it is winter. But really, why here and why now?
  13. Once again there were some thickening clouds in the southwest close to sunset. Started off in front of the firehouse. Taken with the 24-70mm at 53mm... Moved to behind the firehouse to get this contrail shadow better. Taken with the 24-70mm at 59mm... Once again with the contrail shadow but in the landscape mode. Taken with the 24-70mm at 31mm...
  14. lol at 565.3 inches of snow. Even Bo can not wrap his head around 47 FEET of snow in half a season.
  15. Today as stuck between the bowling ball to the southeast and a clipper wave to the northwest. as hoping for some decent Sun-cloud interaction as the Sun set into the clipper cirrus. Unfortunately, there were no sun dogs nor iridescence as the Sun met the clouds. Taken with the 100mm... Close to max color dynamics as the Sun was about to sink into the stratus exiting the cirrus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... Last of the color before the light got shut off. Taken with the 100mm...
  16. Time to fire up a new thread for the New Year. Thanks for all the views in 2021. And as usual will be deleting 2020 and 2021 as I go along to make room for the new images. Tonight the clouds were on the horizon so I went out into the county and farmland to get a clear view. Some nice color even if it was quite a distance away. Start off looking northwest as the red was creeping into the area. Taken with 24-70mm at 70mm. Max red to the west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... Some faint but broad crepuscular rays from some over-the-horizon clouds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... Cheers!
  17. The keyword here is depiction. And it can be correct. But it is just that, a depiction. It is using a sliver of the visible spectrum against the whole visible spectrum to calculate the temperature of the star. Now humans have used color as a descriptor for the amount of heat for eons. It is kind of an ingrained bias. So the color index does just that. Calculates that a massive start that has more mass will make more heat (10,000K) so we will call it blue because it is on the high side of the visible spectrum. Our Sun while still large but more of medium size will not be as warm (5800K) so we will call it yellow. And a small star will not have as much mass and be cooler yet (3000K) so we will call it red. The thing is put all three stars at a distance where the flux is the same as the Earth is to the Sun and all three will look white in the visible spectrum as long as all three are still in the main sequence.
  18. I was driving like an old man coming home from work, Wait, I am an old man! Slid about one foot into the first intersection I stopped at. Drove the rest of the ay home at less than the posted speed. Probably did not make any friends but no one passed me so they must have thought it was warranted also.
  19. Yes, our Sun is actually white. The depiction of being yellow (or orange or red) comes from the scattering properties of our atmosphere. The long wavelengths (violet, indigo and blue) get scattered more than the yellows, oranges or reds hence the Sun just *looks* that color especially around sunrise or sunset when it is seen through the most atmosphere. Get out in space and she is a bright white blob. And the G2V rating is in reference to how *hot* it is. Around 5600K to 5800K. It is a measure of the solar flux or how fast and how much material is being converted while on the main sequence.
  20. You are going to hate me. 0.63" of cold rain here in my tippy bucket north of KIND.
  21. 0.77" of rain at the house. Seeing how there was some issues with the radar at KIND I have no idea how it compared to the rest of the area.
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