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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. An extremely busy day behind the viewfinder. Started off when I forgot to turn off the alarm before going to bed yesterday. Woke up all bummed out that I had to head back to work till I remembered it was Sunday and I did not have to go in to work. Seeing how I was up I went and took images of the sunrise instead. Taken with the 100mm as the Sun was just climbing above the eastern horizon... Now going to transition over to the sunset. There was a couple layers of cirrus so I thought it might get interesting. I did walk back to the pond because I knew I needed to get to as much of the horizon as possible. Seeing how the new business does not like me being behind their building and I know they have cameras back there, I wonder if I will receive another visit from the law enforcement officers in the near future. Time will tell. This is what it looked like just before the Sun dipped below the horizon. Taken with the 24-70mm at 41mm... Here comes the red from the east! Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm and the GND... As the last of the color was heading into the horizon. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm and the GND... Good night my darlin', wherever you are...
  2. Finally, that pesky upper low moved east of me around sunset. About time. Looking east when I got out to the firehouse. Taken with the 24-70mm at 42mm... Looking northwest as the Sun was getting fairly low in the sky. I did use the GND to balance out the light a little bit. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Some serious yellows and oranges. Taken with the 100mm... The red flash surprised me. I had packed up and as in the process of leaving when it snuck up on me. I had to get all my stuff back out in a hurry. Taken with the 100mm... Cheers!
  3. These large sloppy gyres that sit-n-spin overhead and give you days of snizzle, rain, sleet, rain snow, rain at 39 degrees are not my idea of nice Spring weather. Next pattern please!
  4. Was in an alleyway all day of systems all around me. Managed to have a semi-decent sunset. The beginning color. Taken with the 100mm... The best dynamics of the evening. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... The fading color. Taken with the 100mm...
  5. Daffodils are in their prime... Tulips are starting to think about it...
  6. Any day in April where you can get some blue sky and some Sun is a good day. It was a good day in central Indiana.
  7. 29.24 at ORD and 29.26 at KIND. Looks like you will get closer. Might not make it though.
  8. Pretty cool cirrus day here. Starting off with some early afternoon cirrus with banding above the corner of my house. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Starting off the evening cirrus with a sundog on the south side of the Sun. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm... The variety of cirrus and clouds looking southwest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm... A sundog on the north side of the Sun. Taken with the 24-70mm at 61mm... More banding as the Sun dropped into the thicker stuff on the horizon. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm... What little post sunset color there was, was towards the northwest and I wwas not in a good position to see that direction. Sometimes you just have to make lemonade. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...
  9. I with along 350+ people watched the first big movement out of Duluth of the season as the Burns Harbor tooted it way under aerial lift bridge. Saw it was in the single digits there. I prefer to be inside my warm house to watch it instead.
  10. Just one image from the sunset this evening. The edge of the upper low was just to my west. I had hoped for a bunch of red post sunset. Had a little red just not the mega amount I was hoping for. But there was a very noticeable red sun pillar. Taken with the 100mm...
  11. The rain yesterday and this morning totaled 1.45". I reset the tippy bucket when I got home from work seeing how there was a 10 to 11 hour dry window. I will keep the upper low drizzle rain separate.
  12. Yesterday, the 21st and the first day of Spring, was a busy day behind the viewfinder. Started out in the early afternoon with a gauzy 22 degree halo around the Sun from the cirrus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... A look at the cirrus above the courthouse. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... A tiny sundog when I got out to the firehouse for the evening part of the sky show. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm... Some swooping cirrus looking east. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... The view to the west was nothing to write home about as the rain was on the way. Taken with the 24-70mm at 55mm...
  13. I have been slow downloading and processing images because I was outside enjoying the arm dry weather. Now that it is neither I have no excuse for avoiding the work. These are from Sunday evening the 20th. A small sundog close to sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 63mm... More of an overview of the yellows. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm... Right close to local sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm... The post sunset color. taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...
  14. Daffodils are open in the breeze now.
  15. 0.81" of rain so far for this event. Might be able to add another hundredth or two but I am going to call it a night. The good news is that for the first time in a long time the backside precipitation was all rain. Just in time for the Equinox tomorrow. Happy Spring everyone!
  16. Another gorgeous top tier evening, tonight. What it looked like to the east when I got out to the firehouse. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... I moved over to the top of Hall-Baker road for the rest of the sunset. I wanted all the horizon I could see and I think I picked the proper location Started off with some contrail shadows. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... A landscape version of the yellows. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Real close to local sunset. You can see the Sun just touching the horizon through the trees. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... The last of the color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... Cheers!
  17. Tonight was about crepuscular rays. A tiny one when I got out to the firehouse... A bit later... The last of the evening...
  18. What a difference 48 hours make. Color has returned to 40N in Indiana. The daffy says hello... The crocus have popped... And what-ever this is, it is up and out also...
  19. More texture in the sky this evening. Looking west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Looking east. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm... The late *color* or what little there was. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm...
  20. The daffy's are thinking about it here...
  21. I thought the low teens here (13 at KIND and 11 at my non-accurate thermometer) was cold but when I looked at the Duluth Canal Cam and saw they were - 8 I felt a little bit better.
  22. Click on your screen name. Click on Account Settings, then click on signature. You are welcome.
  23. Kind of in a lull between systems today. Starting off mid-afternoon looking north at some cirrus. Taken with the 16-35mm at 16mm... In the alley behind my garage looking northeast. Taken with the 16-35mm at 16mm... Some nice texture to the sky close to sunset looking west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Ending the night with a look to the southwest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm... Cheers!
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