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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. Some noon clouds from yesterday. Looking west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 2mm... Looking southwest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 38mm...
  2. Was out for the sunrise this morning. Hoping on some edge dynamics with the dry slot rotating through after the frontal passage and before/as the upper low gunk rolled in. Took an image from the four major compass directions. Starting off looking to the east. There was some ponding of water in the field right next to the fairgrounds, While I was still on grass, could not stay there long. Was sinking in, had to get my shot and run back to the road and asphalt. Taken with the GND and the 24-70mm at 44mm... Looking north at my favorite morning tree. Taken with the GND and the 24-70mm at 31mm... Looking west and probably over-did the saturation. Taken with the GND and the 24-70mm at 24mm... Looking south. Straight lens and taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... Signed, Clicking-with-my-coffee
  3. Not the midwest, but think the great whites off the Delaware coast will notice the extra 15" of rain?
  4. I should not have typed so soon last night. Ended up with another quarter. Rain total will be 1.29" of rain.
  5. Seems like the first legit spring storms day here. Between 5 and 6 had one cell drop 0.15". Between 8 and 9 had another cell drop another 0.15". Just now between 10 and 11 had the serious line rolled through with some nice thump'in and bump'in, and another 0.65" through the tippy bucket. So up to 0.95" now and I doubt going to get much more of anything. Looks like the dry-line has lost most of its kinetics. Ooops, typed too soon. It is raining hard again. Still should not last too long.
  6. It is amazing to see the bottom of your patio door.
  7. And yet if a scorching stretch happens, the doomsday people will holler foul even though the numbers say it is about time.
  8. Went out into the country for the sunset. The various cloud levels when I got out to the fields. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm... The rest of the sunset was like looking through a thin vision port. Taken with the 100mm... the light orange... The dark orange... Cheers!
  9. Tulips colors... Yellows Orange. Same as the last but earlier in the growth cycle.
  10. And now for something completely different. A sunrise on the 24th. The vibrant color starts first. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... The yellows and oranges. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... I look north just before sunrise and the light orange spanning the whole sky. Taken with the 16-35mm at 16mm... "Here comes the sun. Do-Do, Do-Do. It's alright". Taken with the 100mm... Good mornin' my darlin', wherever you are...
  11. From the evening of the 23rd. A single image of the conditions close to sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...
  12. No where close to sultry here. Yesterday at max heating the dews were only in the low 50's. Today so far, the dews are only in the mid 50's. Really does not feel sultry to me until the dews get closer to 65.
  13. KIND was at 84 from 2:54p.m. till 6;00p.m.. I am impressed that it stuck around as long as it did.
  14. At 8:54 a.m., KIND hit the elusive 1030mb. 30.42 for those of you that play the inches of Mercury thang.
  15. The dial on the analog barometer (from my Grandfather) is cranked way around to the right. Do not see it that high very often. I see KIND is reporting 30.35 now.
  16. Another nice evening. I went to the top of Hall-Baker road to get as much of the sky uninterrupted. Looking south-southeast at a batch of cumulus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm... First look west and all the cirrus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... Last image of the night as the color as waning. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm... Cheers!
  17. These were all taken yesterday the 19th. I took so many images that I was falling asleep just trying to get them all sorted last night. Had to wait until tonight to process everything. Some late afternoon cumulus Taken with the 24-70mm at 47mm... Had a nice mix of cirrus and cumulus for the sunset. Looking south when I got out to the firehouse. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... Used the GND here to try and balance the light left and right. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm... Kind of subtle, but the various heights of the cirrus is kind of evident. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm... Later!
  18. Some color from yesterday. A late daffodil. I might have shot this a little bit too light, but it is what it is.
  19. ^ lol, I was wondering. Figured I would not say anything as it was a bonus for those of us that come to this thread.
  20. Another fine day behind the viewfinder. Started off with some mid-morning cirrus above the house. Taken with the 24-70mm at 31mm... Moving on to the sunset. Was a busy night with clouds but there were breaks among them. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Starting to thin out a bit. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm and the GND... As the Sun was sinking in the warehouse and the gunk on the horizon. Last vestiges. Taken with the 24-70mm at 55mm...
  21. First tulip opened up of the year. Of course, it was one of the red ones. Trying to not blow out the red can be frustrating. Did I succeed? I actually like this not-quite opened bloom even better. The colors are more balanced and I think I managed to get this lit correctly with good backlighting and use of a white reflector in front.
  22. Curious state of affairs here. All afternoon it has been raining, but not raining. Concentrated drizzle? At least it has been 60 degrees so it does not feel too raw.
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