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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. Another nice but chilly night at the firehouse. When I got there the conditions were ripe for iridescence or sun dogs but neither happened. Funny how that works sometimes. Taken with the 24-70mm at 41mm... Using the pine tree as a sun block for the beginning of the color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 61mm... The last two images I used the GND to balance things out a bit. Taken with the 24-70mm at 55mm... The fading color with two contrails as accents. Taken with the 24-70mm at 63mm... Cheers!
  2. Temps in the 40's way down here to the south. Be nice to see the dewpoint get above freezing. Have not seen that in quite a while. Still in the 20's here though.
  3. Another busy day behind the viewfinder. Start off with some mid-afternoon clouds and my house. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Some iridescence when I got out to the firehouse for the sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm... Just a few tiny little clouds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Another *fake* shot looking south with the GND. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Start of the sunset color and the yellows. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... I had high hopes for the red but all I got was this smattering. Taken with the 24-70mm at 61mm...
  4. It is all over the place. Just goes to show that ice is a very volatile condition.
  5. Thanks for reminding me. I had not looked at the ice on the great lakes since just after Xmas. Been a slight change since then. And talk about spaghetti maps...
  6. I am a little confused. It was either 9 or 10 as there as an intrahour special close to midnight at KIND. Whatever, sometimes it is good to be this far south.
  7. Had no idea what to expect with the sunset tonight. Could have been a flop or could have been decent. I as out there shivering, just in case. Some nice white over head when I got out there. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... With this image, I was taken by what I thought was a contrail shadow. When I downloaded it, I saw that what I thought as the shadow was on the sun-side of the contrail. That can not happen. The passage of the jet must have cleared a lane in the clouds and gave me an extreme blue lane. for this to happen. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... The start of the color with the orange getting fired up. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... Max color dynamics. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... Shiver me timbers!
  8. A balmy 13 down here at KIND this morning.
  9. WooHoo! Love the cloud shadows in the third one! Actually, these are all great.
  10. Had to move out to the farmland in the county to be able to see all the way to the horizon where the clouds were. Close to local sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 67mm... close to max color, what little there was. Taken with the 24-70mm at 67mm...
  11. Interesting how the air moving through the gaps in the fence starts to melt the snow first...
  12. ^It looks nice, but it is still too much snow.
  13. Got lucky this evening. ALl day was socked in with stratus but around 5:00p.m. the stratus rolled east and gave me something of a sunset. First image is right close to sunset. But what I like best about it is the contrail remnant at the top. The striations and ripples in it just made my night. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... While the orange was transitioning to the red. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... As the red was fading from the area. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... Cheers!!
  14. I thought skiers liked the fluff better?
  15. Probably going to over-share here. Was a great evening out at the firehouse. Had some cirrus transit the area in just the right place and just the right time. Some white cirrus and the snow in front of and behind the firehouse when I got out there. Taken with the 24-70mm at 27mm... Just going to head straight to the color, as that is the reason for me being out there. Just before the Sun set as you can see the Sun through the pines on the horizon. Taken with the 24-70mm at 59mm... The orange in the southwest. Taken with 24-70mm at 63mm... The next two images are for contrast and compare. They are taken one and a half minutes apart. Other than some minor cropping they are the same image. But one is a straight lens and the other I used the GND and some feathering of it. The first image is the straight lens. It is as the red was creeping into the area and I am looking due south. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm... The next image is using the GND to even up the balance and it makes the colors pop a little bit more. I like this one better even though some people think it looks fake. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm again... Last image of the night is the mega red as it was fading off in the distance. Taken with the 24-70mm at 700mm... Good night my darl'in, wherever you are...
  16. Seeing how I had an extra day off of work, I as able to be out and shivering for the sunset. When I got out to the firehouse. Taken with the 16-35mm at 16mm... Beginning of the color. Taken ith the 24-70mm at 24mm... About the max color dynamics. Taken with the 24-70mm at 63mm... Shiver me timbers!
  17. Always a neat visual when the snow curls off the edge of a roof...
  18. The annual upkeep and maintenance on those two is probably greater than of the mechanical snow blower.
  19. Always good to have another data set for the local viewing (KUMP).
  20. Just so weatherbo knows that it can still get white in central Indiana.
  21. I have no idea how much it snowed but I have eight inches of that stuff in my backyard.
  22. You weenies can keep this stuff. Just came in from blowing snow from the property in 15 degrees temps and a stiff breeze. Had enough clothes on to be sweating about my torso but my fingers and toes are frozen regardless of the number of socks and gloves on. Bah Humbug.
  23. It took awhile burning before the roof was breached. Once that happened the side walls started coming down then it really got a major rush of air (O2) and then it blew up high enough for the radar beam to see it.
  24. That is some choice. Stand still, freeze to death. Try walking to stay warm, freeze to death.
  25. The blowing snow is getting to be problematic now.
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