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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. I tried something different this year. Some aggressive winter feeding. The green has been vaguely around most of the year. The serious green started about two weeks ago.
  2. I just mowed this afternoon. The forecast of six days of rain kind of forced my hand. The south and west side grass needed to be cut and if I tried to wait out the rain it would have been a jungle.
  3. Today had a little bit of this. and not a whole lot of that. A partial 22 degree halo around the Sun close to noon. Taken with the 24-70mm at 26mm... The cirrus was ripping through the area. Must have had some nigh winds at height. Taken wwith the 24-70mm at 24mm... Not much going on for sunset. Very minimalist. Taken with the 100mm... Could not even get a decent electric blue post sunset. Taken with the 100mm...
  4. Always good to welcome the Sun back into the Northern Hemisphere. Time to dump the winter threads and fire up the spring ones.
  5. We have finally made it. At 5:24p.m. it was the Vernal Equinox. Spring has sprung. In the nonsensical sun angle tidbit, today at 40N the sun angle at the merdian was 50 degrees. Your latitude will differ.
  6. Sunshine from Duluth to the tenn./alabama border. Have not seen a border to border midwest CAVU event in quite a while.
  7. I am a bit behind again. These are from 3-17. A nice but chilly departing system sunset. Starting out looking east when I got out to the overpass. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Looking south right afterwards. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... A look west pre-sunset. Found a feature on this camera that lets me electronically to adjust to a 1.6x crop sensor a give a little more reach to a lens. Of course the resolution goes from 8000x5000 to 5000x3000 (approx.) but when you are dumbing them down to 1024x683 anyway, I doubt you can tell the difference. Makes it nice that I do not have to change lens if it is cold out or the conditions are not ummmmmmmmmmmm nice. So this image is taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm but it effectively looks like 112mm.
  8. Second morning in a row of white sidewalks and pavement. So close to Spring but old man Winter is not going out without a bit of a tussle. Also 18 degrees is still a bit too chilly for my taste.
  9. Here at 40N., today the daylight is exactly 12 hours long. Always happens a couple of days before exact first day of Spring. Always cool to see sunrise at 7:53a.m. and then sunset at 7:53 p.m..
  10. The sunset tonight had plenty of clouds. But the majority of them were cirrus at varying heights. So it made it a very subtle sunset. Only going to share one image. I do not know if you will be able to see the *splotchiness* in the reduced resolution version but I as really pleased at how well the new camera was able to hold all the various contrasts. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm...
  11. After a weekend of stratus and snow, the clouds broke up this afternoon into some cumulus and spots of blue sky. Was nice to see again.
  12. I had to look this up. Last year I mowed for the first time April 3rd. And seeing how I am right between the both of you, it even looks right.
  13. I have a siren one block from me. I get physically assaulted when I am at home and it goes off. Scared the *junk* out of me.
  14. What a surprise, not. I=65 has turned into a sheet of ice with multiple accidents around the 141-142 mile markers both directions.
  15. I thought the snow squalls earlier in the day were bad but the snow, sleet rain combo now is even worse.
  16. At the top of this page, click on your username, Under My Content, click Manage attachments. You can then go to the last page of attachments and get rid of the oldest or look at which specific attachments you would like to delete on a case-by case basis. Not the fastest but still a viable way to whittle down.
  17. "... capturing the beauty of the Northland." Ummmmm, yeah. It is just a grey/white blob now.
  18. Interesting that KIND is still reporting the five minute data on Standard time, not DST. Is this a NOAA system wide issue?
  19. weatherbo's chicken probably do not want to see another 30 inches of snow for the next 16 days.
  20. This image is from 3-8. Only had time from getting home from work to grab the camera and take this in the front lawn. So buildings, trees and wires are part of the equation here. Taken with the 24-70mm at 45mm...
  21. A bit behind in processing again. These are from 3-7. Some weak iridescence at the top of this image. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... The edge of the alto-cumulus looks so cool to me. Almost like it was one of those sheets of perforated paper that you rip off. The cloud shadow even increases the effect. There is a decaying sundog on the right edge but I was focusing on the alto-cumulus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...
  22. When a person becomes dependant on COD for all the satellite views, server maintenance can be a kick to the groin. SSEC looks OK but is strange now to look at.
  23. A gorgeous day. It hit room temperature at KIND. A high of 72. Was a tad breezy though. 24 gusting to 31 was the most I saw at KIND...
  24. A small sample of everything in the sky today. Late Morning Alto-cumulus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Early afternoon cirrus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Early evening cumulus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...
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