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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. What is new about this? The discrete stuff on the Idiana/Illinois border was a swing and miss. Did it not account for the cold ground temps maybe putting the squash on surface based stuff? It did have the general look right. Will be curious to see more of this in another month or so.
  2. Got to try a sunrise with the new camera. A system was just over-running the area and I thought it might have some color with it even if it was a bit frosty outside. The camera handled the various and minute colors well as the color just started on the horizon. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... The over-the-top oranges and yellows were captured well with just a bit of blow-out. Taken with the 24-70mm at 47mm...
  3. Today was a carbon copy of yesterday, only slightly breezier.
  4. ^ Top-notch stellar day for the middle of February.
  5. The 31% down south coupled with the 4% up north spells a bad or different time for the whole planet.
  6. Ummmmm nevermind. Last report dropped the gusting 22. Now it is back to just 3mph.
  7. Interesting, during the past ten mintues at KIND, in the five minute reports, the winds have been 3 gusting to 22mph.
  8. Nice sunset this evening. Looking southwest pre-sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 33mm... Looking southeast as the bottom of the clouds was being illuminated with light. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm... The sunset looking southwest again. The new camera is doing better with the high contrast images. Taken with the 24-70mm at 61mm... And while the red was way far to the west, the reason I am adding this is the foreground detail. The amount of detail is the dark areas is tons better with the new camera. But having twice the resolution of the old camera has a lot to do with it. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...
  9. Today was all about the cirrus. Both images were taken from my yard so the trees and wires are part of the package. From the morning sunrise looking east. Taken with the 24-70mm at 41mm... Mid-afternoon and a 22 degree halo around the Sun with a contrail and slight contrail shadow for some extra spice. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...
  10. The vibrant colors of a newly painted back wall of a local business...
  11. Breaking News, News Flash. Just fifteen minutes ago I was in the side yard trying to image a 22 degree halo around the sun when I was photobombed by some sandhill cranes heading back north. A great sign that things are getting better!
  12. Poor Buffalo. Getting run over with two huge snow events and now to add insult to injury, a 3.8 earthquake to boot.
  13. 50 degrees partial sun, lots of wind. Two juvenile boys at the southside park pond throwing logs onto the ice and then starting to walk out onto the ice. So far have not heard anything on the radio scanner of a kid finding out the Darwin Award is a life changing event.
  14. Looks like the highest pressure at KIND is going to be 1036.70. No luck on 1040 this time.
  15. Today as all about the streaky cirrus in the afternoon. Cold as snot outside so these are from the front yard. Looking southwest. Taken with the 16-35mm at 17mm... Two hours later looking northeast. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...
  16. I am not a fan of anything pre-emergence. I much rather spot treat when I can see them. Pre-emergence seems to restrict grass growth as much as weed growth. I would rather get as thick as I can with the grass first and foremost.
  17. How lovely. A WWA for freezing drizzle and snow. What a fine way to start a Monday.
  18. Hey hardypalmguy, I can have a sort of green lawn without the need of dyes or paint. Not bad for the 29th of January.
  19. Don't accidentally fall in the Lake. With the temps the way they are hypothermia will get you quick.
  20. Already seeing some color on the county travel hazards map for Indiana. Allen county ( Ft. Wayne) and Hamilton county (northside of Indianapolis), are already under a travel watch. I guess some EMS managers are being proactive seeing how the snow has not even started yet.
  21. The latest accumulation map from IND and their winter storm briefing has me (Boone county) at 8' to 12" and LAF at 6" to 8". "
  22. Last week I got myself a late B-Day/X-mas present for myself. A new camera. I upgraded to one of the mirrorless Canon R5. I doubled my resolution by going from a 22Megapixel sensor to a 45Megapicxel sensor. The camera works great. The software to deal with the new CR3 files is giving me fits though. I must have a computer issue here that is causing all kinds of hang ups. Anywho, got to try out the neww hardware on a sunset here finally tonight. The stratus finally broke right around sunset. Some crepuscular rays as trhe holes started opening up. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm... Finally a spot of blue sky! It has been weeks it seems. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Had a little bit of deep orange. Going to have to wait a bit longer to try out the red response. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...
  23. Yes, they are a bit larger than I would like but the previous occupants let them get this size. I keep them trimmed back every year but am afraid if I get much more brutal with the trimming it might kill them.
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