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Everything posted by bowtie`

  1. Thanks. That cleared up something that was bothering me. For that game I knew I was in Columbus still going to OSU. And I thought that in 1983 I had moved here to Indiana. So my brain was getting all confused.
  2. 1983 was an eskimo's dream come true. Was that the Bengals football game I vaguely remember?
  3. KIND has been windier than ORD. That does not happen very often.
  4. Hoosier, wherever you may be, looks like the atmosphere is going to agree with you and make December better. Look a 25+ page storm in December.
  5. Puerto Rico and Guam will still be no data.
  6. 11-13 only had a brief red flash. Taken with the 100mm...
  7. First I have to thank all of you for the 10K views of the clouds. Let's do again next year! 11-8 as about the various cloud altitudes and resulting colors. Looking southwest. Taken ith the 24-70mm at 50mm... Looking northwest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...
  8. 11-7 had just a smidge of red in the southern skies. Taken with the 24-70mm at 42mm...
  9. lol that the airport only got 36.6" and that would be a crippling amount, but it looks small potatoes to the 80" total.
  10. 11-6 Had plenty of color again. The yellows as the post sunset begins. Taken with the 24-70mm at 42mm... Max color dynamics, Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Extreme post sunset with color and crepuscular rays from over-the-horizon stuff. And some Star Wars lights from the interstate traffic in the foreground. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...
  11. This map cuts off too far west. I wanted to see how Buffalo fared.
  12. Shock and awe at over six feet of snow in one event.
  13. Waiting on the pics from the ThruWay of snow up to the windows of the snowplows again.
  14. Hoosier, your new avatar made me lol. For those of us with December birthdays, we can stand behind that hat.
  15. DAB this morning here. Then snizzle during the lunch hour. Followed by drizzle/mist in the afternoon that melted the last of the 2.5" from Saturday in the backyard. Back to all green grass at sunset, just the way I like it.
  16. 11-5 had so much going on. (One) it was the last time I was able to get to/ see the sunset after work on a work day because that night/ next morning the time change happened. (Two) The environmental conditions were a little difficult even though the images do not show it. There had been a potent frontal passage and the winds were still gusting in the 40's when taking these. Just walking to the overpass was a struggle and I had to keep the tripod unextended and low to the ground to keep it from tipping over. Getting myself down to a camera only 12" off of the ground isn't easy so any uneven horizons are all on me. (Three) There as a sharp cloud cut off that timed out close to perfect to make it one to remember. When I arrived at the overpass looking east southeast. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Looking south. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm... As the wild reds/pink/purples transit the area. Normally I try to pick an image that does not have any vehicles in it but the colors in this single image was too perfect, so the mommy van stays in. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm... Good night my darlin', wherever you are...
  17. 11-3 was about the cirrus and contrails. At the yellows of the post sunset. Taken with the 100mm... As the reds head into the area from overhead. Taken ith the 24-70mm at 35mm... At the reds on the horizon. Taken with the 100mm... Cheers!
  18. And here I was depressed about the 2.5" we got here yesterday. The thought of 10" is nightmare stuff. lol
  19. 10-26 was a minimalist sunset both in color and in amount of clouds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 38mm...
  20. 10-24 was a two-part experience behind the viewfinder. Part A was at noon. An even patina of cirrus covered the Sun and left this nice partial 22 degree halo around the Sun. This was taken from my side yard and unfortunately has all the wires and trees in it. But it does give a better sense of scale. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Part B was the normal post sunset. This was taken with the 100mm... And more of a wide angle view. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...
  21. 10-23 had a great variety of clouds for the late afternoon/ early evening. Over an hour before sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm... Looking south-southeast around sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm... As the post sunset begins. Taken with the 100mm... Cheers!
  22. 10-22 illustrated just how fast sunsets at the end of October occur. There was only 12 minutes 45 seconds between these two images. Very close to sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 59mm... Post sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 53mm...
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